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ag-Grid细胞渲染 - 自定义道具

[英]ag-Grid Cell Rendering - Custom Props

After looking through the ag-Grid Cell Rendering documentation I don't see a way to add custom properties to the cell renderer via the cellRenderFramework argument. 在查看ag-Grid Cell Rendering文档后,我没有看到通过cellRenderFramework参数向单元格渲染器添加自定义属性的方法。 For example, I'd like to pass in a callback to my custom renderer that is called when the button is clicked. 例如,我想将回调传递给单击按钮时调用的自定义渲染器。

class AddCellRenderer extends React.Component<ICellRendererParams, {}> {

   * Callback handle to pass data to on a click.
  public static callback = (data: MyData): void => { return; };

  public constructor(params: ICellRendererParams) {

  public render() {
    let className = 'pt-button pt-intent-success pt-icon-add';
    let text = 'Click to add';
    if (this.props.data.saved) {
      className = 'pt-button pt-intent-danger pt-icon-remove';
      text = 'Click to remove';
    return (
      <button type="button" onClick={this.onClick} className={className}>{text}</button>

  private onClick = (event: React.FormEvent<HTMLButtonElement>): void => {
    this.setState({ ...this.state }); // Make React update the component.

And I have another component that uses it like so 我还有另一个使用它的组件

public render() {
  let saveCellRenderer = AddCellRenderer;
  saveCellRenderer.callback = this.onSelectData;
  const columnDefs: ColDef[] = [
      headerName: 'Add to Available Data',
      cellRendererFramework: AddCellRenderer,

There must be another way to pass this callback as props other than a static public method which is ugly and will not work when multiple components use the renderer, how do I go about doing this with ag-Grid? 除了静态公共方法之外,必须有另一种方法将此回调作为道具传递,这种方法很丑陋并且在多个组件使用渲染器时无法工作,如何使用ag-Grid进行此操作?

I know this is late. 我知道这已经很晚了。 But have you tried cellRendererParams with cellRenderer ? 但你有没有试过cellRendererParamscellRenderer
You can set custom props for the custom cell component using it. 您可以使用它为自定义单元组件设置自定义道具。 Eg: 例如:

columnDef = [
        cellRenderer: CustomCellComponent,
        cellRendererParams: {
            prop1: "this is prop1"

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