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[英]How to distribute private app more than 4000 users in iOS?

我想私下分发我的应用程序,而没有发布App Store,也没有在开发配置文件中添加UDID,目前,我使用Development Profile 99$ membership ,当我购买Enterprise帐户时,可以为所有用户分发我的应用程序而无需注册UDID。

There's what you want, and there's what you can get. 有您想要的,有您能得到的。

You can purchase an enterprise account. 您可以购买企业帐户。 That lets you distribute to everyone in your company. 这样您就可以分发给公司中的每个人。 Do you have a company with 4,000 customers? 您有一家拥有4,000名客户的公司吗? If not, that's out. 如果没有,那就出来了。

There's a reason why you can't do this. 原因是您无法执行此操作。 It would be a major opportunity to distribute malware. 这将是分发恶意软件的主要机会。 There's no way Apple will let you do this. Apple绝对不会让您这样做。

Though I agree with gnasher729's answer, I might help u with a work around I believe hence posting it as answer. 尽管我同意gnasher729的回答,但我可能会帮助您解决我认为的问题,因此将其发布为答案。

TestFlight's Beta Testing allows you to add 2000 external testers. TestFlight的Beta测试允许您添加2000个外部测试器。 So if you are hell bent on distributing app to fixed 2000 people using the device and u know their device ID's and cant afford Enterprise license u might try TestFlight. 因此,如果您不愿意将应用程序分发给使用该设备的固定2000人,并且您知道他们的设备ID并且负担不起企业许可证,则可以尝试TestFlight。

That being said If you want to distribute the build to 4000 people enterprise account is probably the only solution 话虽如此,如果您想将内部版本分发给4000个人企业帐户,则可能是唯一的解决方案

EDIT: 编辑:

Forgot to add, apps shared with External testers via TestFlight will be valid only for 60 Days or till u push the app to live whichever comes first. 忘了添加,通过TestFlight与外部测试人员共享的应用程序仅在60天内有效,或者直到您将该应用程序发布为准(以先到者为准)。 So if u want ur 2000 users to continue using the app, keep making new build and push it before 60 days expires and make sure u keep ur app in available for testing state. 因此,如果您希望2000个用户继续使用该应用程序,请继续制作新的构建并在60天到期之前推送它,并确保您将您的应用保持在可测试状态。

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