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[英]does ext3 need regular filesystem checks?

i know there is some interval set per default for most distributions which is probably 60. 我知道大多数分布都有默认设置的间隔,可能是60。

after 60 boots the filesystem will be checked. 60次引导后,将检查文件系统。

but depending on how long the server was running between reboots - this could mean filesystem is not checked for months or even years. 但是取决于服务器在两次重新引导之间运行了多长时间-这可能意味着几个月甚至几年都没有检查文件系统。

on a medium to heavy used file system, is it wise to reboot every sunday at 1 o'clock for a automatic filesystem check? 在中型或重度使用的文件系统上,是否应该在每个星期日的下午1点重新启动以进行自动文件系统检查?

One option you have is to setup an fsck routine (which can cause high I/O) on the filesystems with heavy load. 您必须选择的一种方法是在负载较重的文件系统上设置fsck例程(这可能导致高I / O)。 Rebooting a server frequently is never a good idea, it can lead to uncomfortable visits to the datacenter and unexpected downtime. 频繁重启服务器绝不是一个好主意,它可能导致对数据中心的不舒服访问和意外停机。

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