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在ext3中记录日志 - 文档

[英]journaling in ext3 - Documentation

I have been looking around for documentation on how journalling is implemented in ext3 and couldn't find any good resources. 我一直在寻找有关如何在ext3中实现日志记录并且找不到任何好资源的文档。 I am familiar with the internals of ext2 and have gone through the implementation of the same in Linux and Minix. 我熟悉ext2的内部结构,并在Linux和Minix中完成了相同的实现。

Could you point me towards resources/code snippets which could help me in understanding the implementation of journalling in ext3? 你能指点我的资源/代码片段,这可以帮助我理解ext3中日志记录的实现吗?

This is not exactly how the journaling in Ext3 works actually, but a preliminary work I find interesting : http://original.jamesthornton.com/hotlist/linux-filesystems/ext3-journal-design.pdf 这并不完全是Ext3中日志的实际工作方式,而是我觉得有趣的初步工作: http//original.jamesthornton.com/hotlist/linux-filesystems/ext3-journal-design.pdf

And this is one of the first presentation about Ext3 done by the author of the aforementioned paper : http://olstrans.sourceforge.net/release/OLS2000-ext3/OLS2000-ext3.html 这是前面提到的论文作者关于Ext3的第一个演示文稿之一: http//olstrans.sourceforge.net/release/OLS2000-ext3/OLS2000-ext3.html

There's been a lot of improvement over the year, but these two links will give you a good insight of what is at stake when designing an journaled filesystem. 这一年有很多改进,但是这两个链接可以让你很好地了解设计日志文件系统时的利害关系。

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