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如何在Akka 2.5中使用Router创建演员道具

[英]How to create actor props with Router in Akka 2.5

in Akka 2.0 we used to have 在Akka 2.0中,我们曾经拥有

List<String> routeePaths = actorRefs.stream()
                    .map(e -> e.path().toString())

Props routerProps = Props.empty().withRouter(new BroadcastRouter(routeePaths));

But in Akka 2.5, BroadcastRouter and some other old Routers are not there any more. 但是在Akka 2.5中,不再提供BroadcastRouter和其他一些旧路由器。 Whats the proper way to add those routing behavior to actors. 将这些路由行为添加到参与者的正确方法是什么?

Akka 2.5 has BroadcastRoutingLogic . Akka 2.5具有BroadcastRoutingLogic The examples below are from the documentation : 以下示例来自文档

Router router;
  List<Routee> routees = new ArrayList<Routee>();
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    ActorRef r = getContext().actorOf(Props.create(Worker.class));
    routees.add(new ActorRefRoutee(r));
  router = new Router(new BroadcastRoutingLogic(), routees);

You can also use a BroadcastPool or BroadcastGroup : 您也可以使用BroadcastPoolBroadcastGroup

BroadcastPool defined in configuration: 在配置中定义的BroadcastPool

akka.actor.deployment {
  /parent/router13 {
    router = broadcast-pool
    nr-of-instances = 5

ActorRef router13 = getContext().actorOf(FromConfig.getInstance().props(Props.create(Worker.class)), "router13");

BroadcastPool defined in code: 在代码中定义的BroadcastPool

ActorRef router14 = getContext().actorOf(new BroadcastPool(5).props(Props.create(Worker.class)), "router14");

BroadcastGroup defined in configuration: 在配置中定义的BroadcastGroup

akka.actor.deployment {
  /parent/router15 {
    router = broadcast-group
    routees.paths = ["/user/workers/w1", "/user/workers/w2", "/use/workers/w3"]

ActorRef router15 = getContext().actorOf(FromConfig.getInstance().props(), "router15");

BroadcastGroup defined in code: 代码中定义的BroadcastGroup

List<String> paths = Arrays.asList("/user/workers/w1", "/user/workers/w2", "/user/workers/w3");
ActorRef router16 = getContext().actorOf(new BroadcastGroup(paths).props(), "router16");

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