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[英]difference between function pointer and function name

What is a function name? 什么是功能名称? What's its relation to a pointer to it?To try to understand these questions, codes below are written: 它与指针的关系是什么?为了尝试理解这些问题,下面的代码是:

#include <stdio.h>

int testFunc(void);

void ptrFuncProp(void);

int main(){
    return 0;

void ptrFuncProp(void){
    int i = 0;
    int (*p_testFunc)(void) = testFunc;




    for(;*p_testFunc && i<30;i++){
        printf("%c ",*(p_testFunc + i));
        if(i%10 == 9){

int testFunc(void){
    int i=0;
    printf("output by testFunc\n");
    return 0;

The output is as follows: 输出如下:

output of the program 程序的输出

In the code, a simple function testFunc is defined, and a pointer p_testFunc points to it.As I learned on the internet, I tried four ways to call this function;they all work although I don't exactly understand. 在代码中,定义了一个简单的函数testFunc,并且指针p_testFunc指向它。正如我在互联网上学到的,我尝试了四种方法来调用这个函数;它们都可以工作,尽管我并不完全理解。

Next 2 lines try to figure out what really are the function name and a pointer of it.One thing I can understand is that p_testFunc is a pointer, so it contains the address of something else;the address is 8 bytes. 接下来的2行尝试弄清楚究竟是什么函数名称和它的指针。我能理解的一件事是p_testFunc是一个指针,所以它包含其他东西的地址;地址是8个字节。 But why the size of the function name is 1 bytes because I used to think a function name is a const pointer whose content is the address of the start of the function. 但是为什么函数名的大小是1个字节,因为我曾经认为函数名是一个const指针,其内容是函数开头的地址。 If the function name is not a pointer, how can it be dereferenced? 如果函数名称不是指针,它怎么能被解除引用?

After the experiment, the questions are still unsolved. 实验结束后,问题仍然没有解决。

If you just got into C you should grasp at what pointer is first. 如果你刚进入C,你应该掌握首先是什么指针。

" A pointer is a variable whose value is the address of another variable, ie, direct address of the memory location. Like any variable or constant, you must declare a pointer before using it to store any variable address ". 指针是一个变量,其值是另一个变量的地址,即内存位置的直接地址。与任何变量或常量一样,必须在使用它来存储任何变量地址之前声明指针 ”。

There is not differece between pointer to a integer/char etc. and a pointer to a function. 指向整数/字符等的指针与指向函数的指针之间没有区别。 Its purpose is to point to an address in the memory where ,in this case, the function is stored. 其目的是指向存储器中的地址,在这种情况下,存储该功能。

Name of the function on other hand is just how the functions is named. 另一方面,函数的名称就是函数的命名方式。 As people suggested in the comments it identify the function in front of the compiler,linker. 正如人们在评论中建议的那样,它标识了编译器,链接器前面的函数。

how a function is defined: 如何定义函数:

int ( what the function will return) isEven (the function name) (int number) ( what argument will it accept)
//How it would look like
int isEven (int number){

   //Here goes the body!

} }

Just a little overview of the function. 只是对功能的一点概述。

How is the pointer function defined: 如何定义指针函数:

int (return type) *(*isEven(Name))(int(input arguments));
//No tips again!
int  (*isEven)(int);

Also I noticed in your code you didnt use any &. 另外我在你的代码中注意到你没有使用任何&。 Consider the result of the following snipet: 考虑以下snipet的结果:

    #include <stdio.h>
void my_int_func(int x)
    printf( "%d\n", x );

int main()
    void (*foo)(int);
    /* the ampersand is actually optional */
    foo = &my_int_func;
    printf("addres: %p \n", foo);
    printf("addres: %p \n",  my_int_func);

    return 0;

Note: %p will format you the addresses of what is inputed. 注意:%p将格式化您输入的地址。

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