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[英]Is there exist a function in Sage that applies a permutation to a list?

I have the following problem in Sage: 我在Sage中遇到以下问题:

I have a collection of permutation objects and a collection of lists, each of length 2. I was hoping there was a built-in function to apply a permutation to a list in the following way, eg: 我有一个排列对象集合和一个列表集合,每个列表的长度为2。我希望有一个内置函数,可以通过以下方式将排列应用于列表,例如:

result = (1,2,4)(3,5).apply_to([1,3])
print result

If not, any tips on how to write this function are appreciated. 如果没有,请感谢有关如何编写此功能的任何提示。 Thank you! 谢谢!

Similar to the answer from hiro protagonist, but perhaps more direct: 与hiro主人公的答案类似,但也许更直接:

sage: a = Permutation('(1,2,4)(3,5)')
sage: result = [a(i) for i in [1,3]]
sage: result
[2, 5]

One point is that permutations in Sage can be called as functions, which is why the second line works. 有一点是,可以将Sage中的排列称为函数,这就是第二行起作用的原因。

you could try this using from_cycles : 你可以使用from_cycles尝试from_cycles

sage: from sage.combinat import permutation
sage: perm = permutation.from_cycles(5, ((1,2,4), (3,5)))
sage: perm  # -> [2, 4, 5, 1, 3]
sage: res = [perm[i-1] for i in [1, 3]]
sage: res   # -> [2, 5]

the -1 in perm[i-1] is needed because your permutation starts at 1 and not at 0 . 需要perm[i-1]-1 ,因为您的排列从1开始而不是从0 there is a more elegant way to apply a permutation to a list: see John Palmieri's answer . 有一种将排列应用于列表的更优雅的方法:请参见John Palmieri的答案

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