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[英]Javascript Proxy, howto trigger trap from inside of your target

When creating a proxy in javascript like this 在像这样的javascript中创建代理时

var t = function() {
    self = this;
    this.a = "abc";
    someFunc: function () {
        self.a = "def";

target = new t();

var p = New Proxy(target, {
  set: function(){
         //this will never be called when the someFunc changes the a field.


the set "trap" will never be called I have no problem understanding why this happens, but how should one solve such a situation? 我永远不会毫无疑问地理解为什么会发生这种情况,但是应该如何解决这种情况呢?

One solution would be to expose the self variale to the outside, and let "someone" change it to the proxy, not very obviouse for anyone using the t object.... 一种解决方案是将自变量向外部公开,然后让“某人”将其更改为代理,对于使用t对象的任何人来说都不是很明显。

Is there any other way? 还有其他办法吗? Am I misusing the proxy? 我滥用代理吗?

The solution would be not to use self at all: 解决方案是根本不使用self

function T() {
    this.a = "abc";
    this.someFunc = function () {
        this.a = "def"; // `this` in the method (usually) refers to the proxy

var p = new Proxy(new T, {
    set: function(target, key, value, receiver) {
        console.log(key, value);
        return Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver);

If someFunc does not use the proxy, you cannot force it to without rewriting your T . 如果someFunc不使用代理,则不能在不重写T情况下强制使用它。

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