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SAP Smart Style 字符属性被继承所否决

[英]SAP Smart Style character attributes getting overruled with inheritance

It's a SAP Smart Form / Smart Style problem.这是一个SAP Smart Form / Smart Style问题。

A Character style "N 12P" was defined in the Smart Style as a normal font and not a bold.字符样式“N 12P”在智能样式中被定义为普通字体而不是粗体。 This Smart Style was used in the from.此智能样式用于 from。

Inside the form settings, for a Label field, N 12P was selected as its "Character Format" from the drop down list.在表单设置中,对于标签字段,从下拉列表中选择N 12P作为其“字符格式”。 The "paragraph format" is standard "left aligned". “段落格式”是标准的“左对齐”。

However, this label field, in place of "normal" display, is becoming "bold"!但是,这个标签字段代替“正常”显示,变得“加粗”了! Therefore, even if in the smartstyle, the format N 12P , was defined as a normal character, somehow its attributes are getting changed (turning it into a bold character).因此,即使在 smartstyle 中,格式N 12P被定义为普通字符,其属性也会以某种方式发生变化(将其变成粗体字符)。

Further digging down the character attributes window for that label (General Attributes window → Edit → Formats (glass icon) → double-click format N P12 → opens the Character attributes window), the Bold field was found marked with a * .进一步挖掘该标签的字符属性窗口(常规属性窗口 → 编辑 → 格式(玻璃图标)→ 双击格式N P12 → 打开字符属性窗口),发现粗体字段标有* On clicking the * , the "Font attribute bold Type" window displays "inherited".单击* 时,“字体属性粗体类型”窗口显示“继承”。

So, somewhere the Smart Style's character attribute is changing from "normal" to "bold", and this change is somehow being inherited.因此,Smart Style 的某个地方的字符属性正在从“正常”变为“粗体”,并且这种变化以某种方式被继承。 What possibly could have gone wrong?可能出了什么问题? Is it possible to override the Smart Style's format attribute from within a smartform?是否可以从智能表单中覆盖智能样式的格式属性?

Please note that changing the Smart Style sheet is not possible.请注意,无法更改智能样式表。 But anyways the format defined there is OK ie as normal.但无论如何定义的格式是可以的,即正常。 Therefore, no change is required in the Smart Style.因此,无需更改智能样式。

The assumption had worked.这个假设奏效了。 The text editor at the field level was overriding paragraph and character style settings.字段级别的文本编辑器覆盖了段落和字符样式设置。 It worked after resetting these from within the editor.它在从编辑器中重置这些后工作。 Thanks谢谢

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