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从线性混合 Model (lme4) 获取效果大小

[英]Obtaining Effect Sizes from Linear Mixed Model (lme4)

Say I want to obtain some sort of effect size for each term in a lmer object, what's the best way to do this?假设我想为 lmer object 中的每个术语获得某种效果大小,最好的方法是什么? For example, I have this model with two main effects ( gen and nutrient ) and their interaction:例如,我有这个nutrient具有两个主要影响( gen和 nutrition )及其相互作用:

fit1 <- lmer(total.fruits~gen*nutrient+(1|reg), data=Arabidopsis)

# # # truncated output

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 reg      (Intercept)  144.4   12.02   
 Residual             1304.4   36.12   
Number of obs: 625, groups:  reg, 3

Fixed effects:
              Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)    4.35938   10.72391   7.20000   0.407    0.696    
gen            0.13441    0.39560  67.90000   0.340    0.735    
nutrient       6.62369    0.99266 619.40000   6.673 5.58e-11 ***
gen:nutrient  -0.09971    0.04308 619.50000  -2.314    0.021 *  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

If I wanted to get an effect size (R2 or pseudo-R2) for each fixed effect main effect and the interaction term, what is the best approach to doing this?如果我想获得每个固定效应主效应和交互项的效应大小(R2 或伪 R2),那么最好的方法是什么? Obtaining the R2 for a full model (a la MuMIn::r.squaredGLMM(fit1) ), and use a model comparison approach as I build up to the final model? Obtaining the R2 for a full model (a la MuMIn::r.squaredGLMM(fit1) ), and use a model comparison approach as I build up to the final model? Or is there a better way?或者,还有更好的方法?

Did you try the sem.model.fits function from this packages https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/piecewiseSEM/piecewiseSEM.pdf ? Did you try the sem.model.fits function from this packages https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/piecewiseSEM/piecewiseSEM.pdf ? You should be able to obtain pseud R2 for both varying and fixed effects.您应该能够为可变和固定效果获得伪 R2。 If you want effect sizes corresponding to specific parameters instead of the entire model, you can decompose the models with fewer parameters and work with model comparison.如果您想要与特定参数对应的效果大小而不是整个 model,您可以分解具有较少参数的模型并使用 model 比较。

Effect sizes for metric data can be calculated with r = √(t²/(t^2+df)) (Rosenthal, 1991, p. 19) r<-sqrt(t^2/(t^2+df)) for the fixed facotr gen: sqrt(0.340^2/(0.340^2+68)) #0,04, which means no effect Intepretation according to Cohen (1992).度量数据的影响大小可以用 r = √(t²/(t^2+df)) (Rosenthal, 1991, p. 19) r<-sqrt(t^2/(t^2+df)) 计算固定因子 gen: sqrt(0.340^2/(0.340^2+68)) #0,04,这意味着根据 Cohen (1992) 的解释没有效果。 I know, that there is a reference of Cohen, which i more often cited (Cohen 1988), however the 1992 reference is the one, I read:我知道,有科恩的参考资料,我更经常引用(Cohen 1988),但是 1992 年的参考资料是其中之一,我读到:

lower 0.1: no effect 0.1-0.29: small effect 0.3-0.49: medium effect 0.5-1: large effect低 0.1:无效果 0.1-0.29:小效果 0.3-0.49:中等效果 0.5-1:大效果

Rosenthal, R.罗森塔尔,R。 1991. Meta-analytic Procedures for Social Research. 1991. 社会研究的元分析程序。 2nd ed., Sage Publications, Newbury Park.第 2 版,Sage 出版物,纽伯里公园。 Cohen J 1992 A power primer. Cohen J 1992 电源底漆。 Psychological Bulletin 112: 155-159.心理公告 112:155-159。

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