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如何有效地交织8 __int16个数字的位?

[英]How to efficiently interleave bits from 8 __int16 numbers?

I am building Morton number for spatial indexing, I have 8 unsigned 16 bit numbers that will turn into __int128 number. 我正在构建用于空间索引的Morton数,我有8个无符号16位数,它们将变成__int128数。 The efficiency is crucial, so naive solution (loop over everything) or building separate 8 128bit numbers is too expensive. 效率是至关重要的,所以天真的解决方案(循环所有)或构建单独的8 128位数字太昂贵了。

I am using GCC, the target machine is 64 bits but without BMI2 support. 我正在使用GCC,目标机器是64位但没有BMI2支持。

How can I speed up the computation? 如何加快计算速度?

If your machine is x86 and supports SSE2, there is a clever answer using movmsk instructions. 如果你的机器是x86并且支持SSE2,那么使用movmsk指令有一个聪明的答案。 Google SSE2 bit matrix transpose for full code. Google SSE2 bit matrix transpose为完整代码。

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