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[英]Can't see HoloLens emulator in Universal app

I have installed the emulator and can see it when I open one of Microsoft's sample projects, but in my project the HoloLens emulator is not listed. 我已经安装了模拟器,并且在打开Microsoft的示例项目之一时可以看到它,但是在我的项目中未列出HoloLens模拟器。 My app is an Universal Windows Platform app and targets Creators Update as well as the min version. 我的应用程序是通用Windows平台应用程序,目标是创作者更新以及最低版本。 Why is this? 为什么是这样?


Here is the installed Emulator 这是已安装的模拟器


I think you have not installed the HoloLens Emulator Please go to the following link to download the Emulator first 我认为您尚未安装HoloLens仿真器,请首先转到以下链接下载仿真器

Hololens Emulator Download Hololens模拟器下载

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