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[英]NPOI - After saving to file corrupts .xlsx workbook

I used this code to write to an exciting excel file. 我使用此代码编写了一个令人兴奋的Excel文件。 After writing the file, when I open the file manually it is corrupted. 写入文件后,当我手动打开文件时,文件已损坏。 I am using NPOI binary Please tell how to avoid excel getting corrupted. 我正在使用NPOI二进制2.3.0.0,请告诉如何避免excel损坏。

public void ExportUsers()
    var path = Server.MapPath(@"~\Content\ExportTemplates\") + "sample.xlsx";

    FileStream sw = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

    IWorkbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(sw);       

    ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0);
    IRow row = sheet.GetRow(12);

    ICell cell = row.CreateCell(row.LastCellNum);

    using (var exportData = new MemoryStream())
        string saveAsFileName = string.Format("Export-{0:d}.xls", DateTime.Now).Replace("/", "-");
        System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
        System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename={0}", saveAsFileName));

New file is created but corrupted. 新文件已创建但已损坏。 I've seen people say this is fixed in version 2.0.6, but still not working for me 我见过有人说此问题已在2.0.6版中修复,但仍不适用于我

There are several problems going on here. 这里有几个问题。

First, you are starting with an .xlsx file but then changing the download file extension to .xls . 首先,您从.xlsx文件开始,然后将下载文件扩展名更改为.xls .xls and .xlsx are not the same file format; .xls.xlsx文件格式不同; the former is a binary format, while the latter is a zipped XML format. 前者是二进制格式,而后者是压缩的XML格式。 If you save the file with the wrong extension, then Excel will report the file as corrupted when it is opened. 如果您使用错误的扩展名保存文件,则Excel在打开文件时会报告该文件已损坏。

Second, you are using the wrong method to get the data from the MemoryStream . 其次,您使用了错误的方法从MemoryStream获取数据。 GetBuffer will return the entire allocated internal buffer array, which will include any unused bytes that are beyond the end of the data if the buffer is not completely full. GetBuffer将返回整个分配的内部缓冲区数组,如果缓冲区未完全满,它将包含超出数据末尾的所有未使用字节。 The extra null bytes will cause the downloaded file to be corrupted. 多余的空字节将导致下载的文件损坏。 If you want to get just the data in the buffer then you should use ToArray instead. 如果只想获取缓冲区中的数据,则应改用ToArray

Third, it looks like you are using the ASP.NET MVC framework (based on the presence of the [Authorize] attribute on your method) but you are directly manipulating the current response instead of using the controller's built-in File method for returning a downloadable file. 第三,看起来您正在使用ASP.NET MVC框架(基于方法中[Authorize]属性的存在),但是您正在直接操纵当前响应,而不是使用控制器的内置File方法来返回可下载的文件。 I would recommend using the built-in methods where possible, as it will make your code much cleaner. 我建议尽可能使用内置方法,因为这会使您的代码更简洁。

Here is the corrected code: 这是更正的代码:

public ActionResult ExportUsers()
    var path = Server.MapPath(@"~\Content\ExportTemplates\") + "sample.xlsx";

    FileStream sw = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

    IWorkbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(sw);

    ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0);
    IRow row = sheet.GetRow(12);

    ICell cell = row.CreateCell(row.LastCellNum);

    var exportData = new MemoryStream();
    exportData.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);  // reset stream to beginning so it can be read

    string saveAsFileName = string.Format("Export-{0:d}.xlsx", DateTime.Now).Replace("/", "-");

    return File(exportData, "application/vnd.ms-excel", saveAsFileName);

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