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[英]Is GPU available in Azure Cloud Services Worker role?

Coming from AWS , I am completely new to Azure in general and to Cloud Services spesifically. 来自AWS的我对Azure尤其是Cloud Services完全陌生。

I want to write a python application that leverages GPU on Azure in a PaaS architecture (Platform as a Service). 我想编写一个在PaaS体系结构(平台即服务)中在Azure上利用GPU的python应用程序。 The application will hopefully be deployed somewhere central, and then a number of GPU enabled nodes will spin up and run the application until it is done before closing down again. 希望该应用程序将部署在中央位置,然后,多个启用GPU的节点将启动并运行该应用程序,直到完成操作,然后再次关闭。

I want to know, what is the shortest way to accomplish this in Azure? 我想知道,在Azure中完成此操作的最短方法是什么?

Is my assumption correct that I will need to use what is called Cloud Services with a worker role, or will I have to create my own infrastructure based on single VMs running in IaaS? 我的假设是正确的,我需要使用具有辅助角色的所谓的云服务 ,还是必须基于IaaS中运行的单个VM创建自己的基础架构?

It sounds like you created an application which need to do some general-purpose computing on GPU via Cuda or OpenCL. 听起来您创建了一个应用程序,需要通过Cuda或OpenCL在GPU上执行一些通用计算。 If so, you need to install GPGPU driver on Azure to support your Python application, so the Azure NC & NV Series VMs are suitable for this scenario like on AWS, as the figure below from here . 如果是这样,你需要在Azure上安装GPGPU驱动程序来支持您的Python应用程序,所以在Azure NC&NV系列的虚拟机都适合这个场景就像在AWS上,从下图这里


Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。 Any concern, please feel free to let me know. 如有任何疑问,请随时告诉我。

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