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Pygame Inquiry - 精灵碰撞不起作用?

[英]Pygame Inquiry - sprite collide is not working?

So in my pygame game I finally managed to get rid of the errors but the collision still doesn't work. 所以在我的pygame游戏中,我终于设法摆脱了错误,但碰撞仍然无效。 I want player to collide with the squares. 我希望玩家与广场相撞。 Here's the code for the sprites. 这是精灵的代码。

class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite):

    def __init__(self, x, y, image):
        self.image = pygame.image.load('Tri.png')
        self.image = pygame.transform.scale (self.image, (int(width/16), int(width/15)))
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        self.width, self.height = self.image.get_size()
        self.rect.x = x
        self.rect.y = y

    def update(self):
        mx, my = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        self.rect.x = mx - self.width/2
        self.rect.y = (height * 0.8)

        if self.rect.x <= 0 - self.width/2 + 10:    
            self.rect.x += 10
        if self.rect.x + self.width >= width:
            self.rect.x = width - self.width

        self.rect.topleft = self.rect.x, self.rect.y

    def draw(self, screen):

        if bgColour == black:
            self.image = pygame.image.load('Tri2.png')
            self.image = pygame.transform.scale (self.image, (int(width/16), int(width/15)))
            self.image = pygame.image.load('Tri.png')
            self.image = pygame.transform.scale (self.image, (int(width/16), int(width/15)))
        self.width, self.height = self.image.get_size()

        gameDisplay.blit(self.image, self.rect)
        self.rect.topleft = self.rect.x, self.rect.y

#Class for the squares to dodge
class Square(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, box_x, box_y, box_width, box_height,colour, box_speed, box_border, BC):
        self.box_x = box_x
        self.box_y = box_y
        self.box_width = box_width
        self.box_height = box_width
        self.colour = colour
        self.box_speed = box_speed
        self.box_border = box_border
        self.BC = BC

        self.image = pygame.Surface((self.box_width, self.box_width))
        draw = pygame.draw.rect(self.image, self.BC, [self.box_x - self.box_border/2, self.box_y - self.box_border/2, self.box_width + self.box_border, self.box_height + self.box_border])
        box = pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, self.colour, [self.box_x, self.box_y, self.box_width, self.box_height])
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

    def Fall(self):

        if self.box_y < height:
            self.box_y += box_speed
        elif self.box_y > height + 100:
            del square[0]

        border = pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, self.BC, [self.box_x - self.box_border/2, self.box_y - self.box_border/2, self.box_width + self.box_border, self.box_height + self.box_border])
        box = pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, self.colour, [self.box_x, self.box_y, self.box_width, self.box_height])
        self.rect.topleft = self.box_x, self.box_y

Here's the gameLoop code. 这是gameLoop代码。

def game_loop():

    mx, my = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
    x = mx
    y = (height * 0.8)
    player = Player(x, y, 'Tri.png')

    box_width = int(width/15)
    blocksGroup = pygame.sprite.Group()

    if round(box_width/5) % 10 == 0:
        box_border = round(box_width/5)
        box_border = round(box_width/5 + 1)

    box_x = random.randrange(0, width)
    box_y =  0 - box_width

    min_gap = box_width/4

    global box_speed

    box_col = False
    box_start = random.randrange(0, width)
    delay = 0

    global square
    square = []

    move_speed = 10

    #level variables
    box_speed = 6
    max_gap = box_width/2
    score = 0
    bgColourList = [white, black, white, white]
    global bgColour
    bgColour = bgColourList[0]
    Blist = [red, green, black, pink, white]
    BC = Blist[0]
    Clist = [red, black, black, pink, white]
    box_colour = red
    text_colour = black
    z = 60
    level = 0
    delayBG = 0
    levelChange = 400
    gameExit = False

    #while still inside of game

    while not gameExit:

        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                gameExit = True
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_q:
                    gameExit = True


        if score % levelChange == 0:
            delayBG = 120
            z = 120

        if delayBG == 0:
            bgColour = bgColourList[level]
            BC = Blist[level]
            box_colour = Clist[level]

        if delay == 0:
            score += 1
            delay += 3
            if delayBG == 0:
                level += 1
                box_speed += 1
                max_gap -= 1

        if z == 0:            
            new = random.randint(0, width)
            square.append(Square(new, box_y, box_width, box_width , box_colour, box_speed, box_border, BC))
            steven = Square(new, box_y, box_width, box_width , box_colour, box_speed, box_border, BC)
            print(player, blocksGroup)
            z = random.randint(int(min_gap), int(max_gap))
            last = new
            lasty = box_y

        for i in square: 

        pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, bgColour, [0,0, width, int(height/23)])
        message_to_screen(str(score), text_colour, -height/2 + 15, 0)
        collide = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player, blocksGroup, False)
        if collide:
            gameExit = True

        delayBG -= 1
        z -= 1

        delay -= 1

The problem is that you create two different Square instances every time you spawn a new square. 问题是每次生成一个新方块时都会创建两个不同的Square实例。 You append the first one to the square list and add the second to the blocksGroup sprite group. 将第一个附加到square列表,并将第二个添加到blocksGroup sprite组。 Then you update only the sprites in the square list but not in the blocksGroup , but these are used for the collision detection. 然后,您只更新square列表中的精灵,但不更新blocksGroup中的blocksGroup ,但这些精灵用于碰撞检测。

To fix the bug, get rid of the square list and only use the blocksGroup . 要修复错误,请删除square列表并仅使用blocksGroup

You can also give the Square class an update method which allows you to update all contained sprites by calling blocksGroup.update() . 您还可以为Square类提供一个update方法,该方法允许您通过调用blocksGroup.update()来更新所有包含的sprite。 And to draw the sprites just call blocksGroup.draw(gameDisplay) . 并绘制精灵只需调用blocksGroup.draw(gameDisplay)

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