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[英]How to load data from a txt file with variable number of columns in each row into a numpy array?

My data file looks like this: 我的数据文件如下所示:


I want to load this data into a numpy array. 我想将此数据加载到一个numpy数组中。 How do I do that? 我怎么做?

If I use loadtxt(filename) , it gives the error: 如果我使用loadtxt(filename) ,则会出现错误:

raise ValueError(errmsg)
ValueError: Some errors were detected !

If I use genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=" ") , it gives the same error, even though this was supposed to fix it. 如果我使用genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=" ") ,即使给出了解决方法,它也会产生相同的错误。

If I use the following: 如果我使用以下内容:

from array import array
N=84 # max number of columns in any row in the data file
with open('C:/Users/hp1/Desktop/ClusterAnalysis/hierarchical_result.txt',"r") as f:
        all_data=[x.split() for x in f.readlines()]
        a=array([map(int,x) for x in all_data[:N]])

I get this error: 我收到此错误:

TypeError: array() argument 1 must be a unicode character, not list

EDIT: This is all of the data in the data file: 编辑:这是数据文件中的所有数据:

61 81
2 28
13 31
59 64
36 63
45 58
3 73
47 51
33 68
1 72
12 84
3 73 12 84
1 72 3 73 12 84
6 83
27 42
66 6 83
54 77
60 54 77
39 40
10 19
49 79
22 76
61 81 60 54 77
65 61 81 60 54 77
8 65 61 81 60 54 77
66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
71 47 51
18 25
59 64 18 25
32 59 64 18 25
11 34
20 26
27 42 20 26
69 27 42 20 26
16 62
43 16 62
30 45 58
85 30 45 58
56 85 30 45 58
17 11 34
22 76 32 59 64 18 25
29 39 40
14 57
44 14 57
7 24
78 2 28
15 37
70 15 37
48 70 15 37
80 29 39 40
4 9
75 43 16 62
13 31 75 43 16 62
74 13 31 75 43 16 62
36 63 17 11 34
53 36 63 17 11 34
46 1 72 3 73 12 84
23 52
38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
10 19 56 85 30 45 58
33 68 10 19 56 85 30 45 58
5 49 79
78 2 28 4 9
55 80 29 39 40
67 55 80 29 39 40
7 24 67 55 80 29 39 40
35 48 70 15 37
69 27 42 20 26 35 48 70 15 37
41 82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
50 69 27 42 20 26 35 48 70 15 37
33 68 10 19 56 85 30 45 58 41 82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
7 24 67 55 80 29 39 40 50 69 27 42 20 26 35 48 70 15 37
46 1 72 3 73 12 84 33 68 10 19 56 85 30 45 58 41 82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
22 76 32 59 64 18 25 46 1 72 3 73 12 84 33 68 10 19 56 85 30 45 58 41 82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
7 24 67 55 80 29 39 40 50 69 27 42 20 26 35 48 70 15 37 22 76 32 59 64 18 25 46 1 72 3 73 12 84 33 68 10 19 56 85 30 45 58 41 82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
53 36 63 17 11 34 7 24 67 55 80 29 39 40 50 69 27 42 20 26 35 48 70 15 37 22 76 32 59 64 18 25 46 1 72 3 73 12 84 33 68 10 19 56 85 30 45 58 41 82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
78 2 28 4 9 53 36 63 17 11 34 7 24 67 55 80 29 39 40 50 69 27 42 20 26 35 48 70 15 37 22 76 32 59 64 18 25 46 1 72 3 73 12 84 33 68 10 19 56 85 30 45 58 41 82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
74 13 31 75 43 16 62 78 2 28 4 9 53 36 63 17 11 34 7 24 67 55 80 29 39 40 50 69 27 42 20 26 35 48 70 15 37 22 76 32 59 64 18 25 46 1 72 3 73 12 84 33 68 10 19 56 85 30 45 58 41 82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
44 14 57 74 13 31 75 43 16 62 78 2 28 4 9 53 36 63 17 11 34 7 24 67 55 80 29 39 40 50 69 27 42 20 26 35 48 70 15 37 22 76 32 59 64 18 25 46 1 72 3 73 12 84 33 68 10 19 56 85 30 45 58 41 82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
5 49 79 44 14 57 74 13 31 75 43 16 62 78 2 28 4 9 53 36 63 17 11 34 7 24 67 55 80 29 39 40 50 69 27 42 20 26 35 48 70 15 37 22 76 32 59 64 18 25 46 1 72 3 73 12 84 33 68 10 19 56 85 30 45 58 41 82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
71 47 51 5 49 79 44 14 57 74 13 31 75 43 16 62 78 2 28 4 9 53 36 63 17 11 34 7 24 67 55 80 29 39 40 50 69 27 42 20 26 35 48 70 15 37 22 76 32 59 64 18 25 46 1 72 3 73 12 84 33 68 10 19 56 85 30 45 58 41 82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
23 52 71 47 51 5 49 79 44 14 57 74 13 31 75 43 16 62 78 2 28 4 9 53 36 63 17 11 34 7 24 67 55 80 29 39 40 50 69 27 42 20 26 35 48 70 15 37 22 76 32 59 64 18 25 46 1 72 3 73 12 84 33 68 10 19 56 85 30 45 58 41 82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77
21 23 52 71 47 51 5 49 79 44 14 57 74 13 31 75 43 16 62 78 2 28 4 9 53 36 63 17 11 34 7 24 67 55 80 29 39 40 50 69 27 42 20 26 35 48 70 15 37 22 76 32 59 64 18 25 46 1 72 3 73 12 84 33 68 10 19 56 85 30 45 58 41 82 38 66 6 83 8 65 61 81 60 54 77

numpy.genfromtxt does not handle variable-length rows. numpy.genfromtxt不处理可变长度的行。 You should parse you txt by yourself. 您应该自己解析txt

No need to use array as following in Python 3.x 无需在Python 3.x使用array ,如下所示

import numpy as np
N = 84 # max number of columns in any row in the data file
with open('C:/Users/hp1/Desktop/ClusterAnalysis/hierarchical_result.txt',"r") as f:
        all_data = [x.split() for x in f.readlines()]
        output = np.array([list(map(int,x))[:N] for x in all_data])
In [306]: with open('stack44755004.txt') as f:
     ...:     lines = f.readlines()
In [307]: strs = [line.split() for line in lines]
In [308]: strs
Out[308]: [['61', '81'], ['2', '28'], ['13', '31'], ['3', '73', '12', '84'], ['6', '83']]
In [309]: nums = [[int(i) for i in line.split()]for line in lines]
In [310]: nums
Out[310]: [[61, 81], [2, 28], [13, 31], [3, 73, 12, 84], [6, 83]]

nums is a list of lists of numbers. nums是数字列表的列表。 Can't make that into a 2d array of numbers. 无法将其转化为二维数字数组。

But with a plain read I get a string with newlines: 但是,通过简单的read我得到了带有换行符的字符串:

In [311]: with open('stack44755004.txt') as f:
     ...:     alldata = f.read()

In [312]: alldata
Out[312]: '61 81\n2 28\n13 31\n3 73 12 84\n6 83\n'

split treats that like space, so I get a list of strings: split将其视为空格,因此我得到了一个字符串列表:

In [313]: alldata.split()
Out[313]: ['61', '81', '2', '28', '13', '31', '3', '73', '12', '84', '6', '83']

np.array can convert that to an array of integers np.array可以将其转换为整数数组

In [314]: np.array(alldata.split(),int)
Out[314]: array([61, 81,  2, 28, 13, 31,  3, 73, 12, 84,  6, 83])

This method looses all the line information. 此方法会丢失所有行信息。 Is that important? 那重要吗?

There are ways of turning nums into an array. 有转弯的方式nums到一个数组。 For example it could be written into a zero padded array. 例如,可以将其写入零填充数组。 But if you don't know what you want, I'm not sure that's worth the trouble. 但是,如果您不知道想要什么,那么不确定是否值得这样做。

There have been various padding questions. 存在各种padding问题。 One tool that I recall off to top of my head is itertools.zip_longest (Python3 version): 我最想起的一种工具是itertools.zip_longest (Python3版本):

Out[317]: <itertools.zip_longest at 0xa9c46194>
In [318]: list(itertools.zip_longest(*nums, fillvalue=0))
Out[318]: [(61, 2, 13, 3, 6), (81, 28, 31, 73, 83), (0, 0, 0, 12, 0), (0, 0, 0, 84, 0)]
In [319]: np.array(_)
array([[61,  2, 13,  3,  6],
       [81, 28, 31, 73, 83],
       [ 0,  0,  0, 12,  0],
       [ 0,  0,  0, 84,  0]])
In [320]: _.T
array([[61, 81,  0,  0],
       [ 2, 28,  0,  0],
       [13, 31,  0,  0],
       [ 3, 73, 12, 84],
       [ 6, 83,  0,  0]])

I have used pandas for that problem, where you can specify the desired columns. 我已经用熊猫解决了这个问题,您可以在其中指定所需的列。 If a columns has fewer columns, they will be set to NaN. 如果一列中的列较少,则将它们设置为NaN。 You have to know the maximum number of columns, but that is easily detected using readlines, split and a list comprehension. 您必须知道最大列数,但是使用读取行,拆分和列表理解很容易检测到。

If you want to pad each row with the max number of columns, you have to implement it yourself. 如果要用最大列数填充每一行,则必须自己实现。 Something to the effect: 效果:

import numpy as np

def pad_list(lst, padding, default=0):
    return lst + (padding - len(lst))*[default]

N = 84 # max number of columns in any row in the data file
with open('/path/to/file',"r") as f:
        all_data=(map(int, x.split()) for x in f)
        a = np.array([pad_list(list(x), N) for x in all_data])

However, for this give you a numeric instead of object type array, you need to know the actual maximum number of columns. 但是,为了给您一个数字而不是对象类型的数组,您需要知道实际的最大列数。 So be careful with figuring that out. 因此,请小心谨慎。

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