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[英]Add key-value pair to a HashMap with an existing key (Scala)

I have a following HashMap 我有以下HashMap

import collection.mutable.HashMap
val map = mutable.HashMap("key" -> mutable.HashMap("key" -> "value",
                                                    "key2" -> "value2"),
                          "key2" -> mutable.HashMap("key" -> "value",
                                                    "key2" -> "value2"))

How can I get the map look like 我怎样才能使地图看起来像

val map = mutable.HashMap("key" -> mutable.HashMap("key" -> "value",
                                                    "key2" -> "value2"),
                          "key2" -> mutable.HashMap("key" -> "value",
                                                    "key2" -> "value2",
                                                    "key3" -> "value3"),
                          "key3" -> mutable.HashMap("key" -> "value"))

In my head it would go something like this but I could not find a correct way. 在我的脑海中会出现类似这样的情况,但是我找不到正确的方法。

map.get("key2").put("key3" -> "value3")
map.put("key3" -> ("key" -> "value3"))

Ultimately I want a structure which is easy to convert to Json 最终,我想要一个易于转换为Json的结构

The put method does not work with parameters in the form of key -> value . put方法不适用于key- key -> value形式的参数。 You have to use + -operator. 您必须使用+ -operator。 Also .get(key) returns an Option , so you have to .map on it: 此外, .get(key)返回一个Option ,因此您必须对其进行.map

map.get("key2").map(_ + "key3" -> "value3")
map += ("key3" -> mutable.HashMap("key" -> "value3"))

Also in the second line you need to explicitly create a HashMap otherwise it won't match the type of the map ( [String, HashMap] ). 同样在第二行中,您需要显式创建一个HashMap,否则它将与地图的类型( [String, HashMap] )不匹配。

This should answer you question, but Yuval Itzchakov is right, it might prove a good idea to use case classes and JSON serializer such as Jackson or Json4s , if you have a fixed structure for your objects. 这应该可以回答您的问题,但是Yuval Itzchakov是正确的,如果您的对象具有固定的结构,那么使用案例类和JSON序列化程序(例如JacksonJson4s)可能是一个好主意。

You cannot use 你不能使用

map.get("key2").put("key3" -> "value3")

because it returns Option and it expects two parameters, not a tuple. 因为它返回Option并且需要两个参数,而不是元组。 You would need to unwrap value first by calling get and then call it like this: 您首先需要通过调用get来解开值,然后像这样调用它:

map.get("key2").get.put("key3", "value3")

But there are simpler way to add new values to mutable map: 但是,有更简单的方法可以向可变映射添加新值:

map("key3") = mutable.HashMap("key" -> "value", "key2" -> "value2") 
map("key2")("key3") = "value3"

// or 

map += ("key3" -> mutable.HashMap("key" -> "value", "key2" -> "value2"))
map("key2") += ("key3" -> "value3")

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