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[英]How to get maximum value from dataframe with numeric indexes and headings

I have the following dataframe: 我有以下数据帧:


Unnamed: 0          0          1
0          0.0   0.000000        NaN
1          1.0   2.236068   0.000000
2          2.0   3.000000   2.236068
3          NaN   0.000000   1.000000
4          0.0   0.000000        NaN
5          1.0   1.414214   0.000000
6          2.0   2.828427   1.414214
7          NaN   0.000000   1.000000
8          0.0   0.000000        NaN
9          1.0   3.162278   0.000000
10         2.0  11.401754   3.162278
11         NaN   0.000000   1.000000
12         0.0   0.000000        NaN
13         1.0  14.142136   0.000000
14         2.0   2.828427  14.142136

I'm trying to get the maximum value from each set of data, the problem is that I generated this dataframe from several operations, but at the end the indexes and headings are numbers and I can not use groupby or loc. 我试图从每组数据中获取最大值,问题是我从几个操作生成了这个数据帧,但最后索引和标题是数字,我不能使用groupbyloc. What I need is something as follows: 我需要的是如下内容:

 1   3.000000
 2   2.828427
 3  11.401754
 4  14.142136

You absolutely use loc ! 你绝对使用loc Problem is that you aren't paying attention to whether df.columns are integers or strings. 问题是你没有注意df.columns是整数还是字符串。 Since you're having issues, I'm guessing strings. 既然你遇到了问题,那我猜是字符串。

However, what you're trying to do is not at all clear 但是,你要做的事情一点也不清楚


m = df['0'] == 0
g = m.cumsum()[~m]
df.loc[~m, '0'].groupby(g).max()

Use .iloc and cumsum : 使用.iloccumsum


Output: 输出:

            Unnamed: 0          0          1
Unnamed: 0                                  
1                  2.0   3.000000   2.236068
2                  2.0   2.828427   1.414214
3                  2.0  11.401754   3.162278
4                  2.0  14.142136  14.142136

To just get the maxes for column index 1: 要获得列索引1的最大值:


Output: 输出:

Unnamed: 0
1     3.000000
2     2.828427
3    11.401754
4    14.142136
Name: 0, dtype: float64

file.csv : file.csv


Try: 尝试:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('file.csv', header=-1)
# keep only max per row

Output: 输出:

0    3.0
1    9.0
2    0.0
3    6.0
dtype: float64

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