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[英]Proper Design to Avoid Use of Dynamic_Cast

I'm experiencing an issue very similar to the question asked here: Using derived methods that aren't in the base class 我遇到的问题与此处提出的问题非常相似: 使用基类中没有的派生方法

In that question, the top answer, provided by IdeaHat, is to use dynamic_cast, but then he/she goes on to say that if you have to resort to that, then your design is bad. 在该问题中,IdeaHat提供的最高答案是使用dynamic_cast,但是他/她接着说,如果必须诉诸于此,那么您的设计就很糟糕。 I've noticed very similar answer in other questions. 我在其他问题中注意到非常相似的答案。

So, then, what is the proper design in such a situation? 那么,在这种情况下正确的设计是什么?

For the sake of discussion, let's use this code: 为了便于讨论,我们使用以下代码:

enum AnimalType {
    dog = 0,

Class Animal {
    virtual AnimalType getType() = 0;

    void eat() {
        cout << "Ate some food!" << endl;

    void sleep() {
        cout << "Zzzz..." << endl;

Class Dog : public Animal {
    AnimalType getType() {
        return AnimalType::dog;

    void fetch() {
        cout << "Fetched the stick!" << endl;

Class Cat : public Animal {
    AnimalType getType() {
        return AnimalType::cat;

//A factory function
Animal* shelter(AnimalType type) {
    if(type == AnimalType::dog) {
        return new Dog;
    else {
        return new Cat;

int main() {
    Animal* pet = shelter(AnimalType::dog);


Essentially, I have a factory producing multiple subclasses of a particular class. 本质上,我有一家工厂生产特定类的多个子类。 Some of the subclasses contain functions not present in the parent/other subclasses, which would prevent the use of polymorphism without a workaround. 一些子类包含父/其他子类中不存在的函数,这会在没有解决方法的情况下阻止使用多态。

How would I implement this in a fashion that works and would also be considered "good design"? 我将如何以一种可行的方式实现这一目标,并且也将其视为“好的设计”?

Easy: 简单:

void functionTakingAnimal(Animal& a) {

int main() {
    Dog pet;

Don't destroy static type information earlier than you need to. 不要在需要之前破坏静态类型信息

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