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[英]Promise All in Node.js with a forEach loop

I have a function that reads a directory and copies and creates a new file within that directory. 我有一个读取目录并复制并在该目录中创建新文件的功能。

function createFiles (countryCode) {
  fs.readdir('./app/data', (err, directories) => {
    if (err) {
    } else {
      directories.forEach((directory) => {
        fs.readdir(`./app/data/${directory}`, (err, files) => {
          if (err) console.log(err)
          console.log(`Creating ${countryCode}.yml for ${directory}`)

How do I do this using promises or Promise All to resolve when it's complete? 完成后,我该如何使用Promise或Promise All来解决?

First, you need to wrap each file stream in a promise that resolves when the stream emits the finish event: 首先,您需要将每个文件流包装在一个Promise中,该Promise会在该文件流发出finish事件时进行解析:

new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  ).on('finish', resolve);

The you need to collect these promises in an array. 您需要以数组形式收集这些承诺。 This is done by using map() instead of forEach() and returning the promise: 这是通过使用map()而不是forEach()并返回promise来完成的:

var promises = directories.map((directory) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fs.createReadStream( ...

Now you have a collection of promises that you can wrap with Promise.all() and use with a handler when all the wrapped promises have resolved: 现在,您有了一个Promise.all()集合,可以用Promise.all()包装它们,并在所有包装的Promise.all()都解决后与处理程序一起使用:


In recent versions of Node (8.0.0 and later), there's a new util.promisify function you can use to get a promise. 在最新版本的Node(8.0.0及更高版本)中,有一个新的util.promisify函数可用于获得承诺。 Here's how we might use it: 这是我们可能使用它的方式:

// Of course we'll need to require important modules before doing anything
// else.
const util = require('util')
const fs = require('fs')

// We use the "promisify" function to make calling promisifiedReaddir
// return a promise.
const promisifiedReaddir = util.promisify(fs.readdir)

// (You don't need to name the variable util.promisify promisifiedXYZ -
// you could just do `const readdir = util.promisify(fs.readdir)` - but
// I call it promisifiedReaddir here for clarity.

function createFiles(countryCode) {
  // Since we're using our promisified readdir function, we'll be storing
  // a Promise inside of the readdirPromise variable..
  const readdirPromise = promisifiedReaddir('./app/data')

  // ..then we can make something happen when the promise finishes (i.e.
  // when we get the list of directories) by using .then():
  return readdirPromise.then(directories => {
    // (Note that we only get the parameter `directories` here, with no `err`.
    // That's because promises have their own way of dealing with errors;
    // try looking up on "promise rejection" and "promise error catching".)

    // We can't use a forEach loop here, because forEach doesn't know how to
    // deal with promises. Instead we'll use a Promise.all with an array of
    // promises.

    // Using the .map() method is a great way to turn our list of directories
    // into a list of promises; read up on "array map" if you aren't sure how
    // it works.
    const promises = directory.map(directory => {
      // Since we want an array of promises, we'll need to `return` a promise
      // here. We'll use our promisifiedReaddir function for that; it already
      // returns a promise, conveniently.
      return promisifiedReaddir(`./app/data/${directory}`).then(files => {
        // (For now, let's pretend we have a "copy file" function that returns
        // a promise. We'll actually make that function later!)
        return copyFile(`./app/data/${directory}/en.yml`, `./app/data/${directory}/${countryCode}.yml`)

    // Now that we've got our array of promises, we actually need to turn them
    // into ONE promise, that completes when all of its "children" promises
    // are completed. Luckily there's a function in JavaScript that's made to
    // do just that - Promise.all:
    const allPromise = Promies.all(promises)

    // Now if we do a .then() on allPromise, the function we passed to .then()
    // would only be called when ALL promises are finished. (The function
    // would get an array of all the values in `promises` in order, but since
    // we're just copying files, those values are irrelevant. And again, don't
    // worry about errors!)

    // Since we've made our allPromise which does what we want, we can return
    // it, and we're done:
    return allPromise

Okay, but, there's probably still a few things that might be puzzling you.. 好的,但是,可能仍然有些事情让您感到困惑。

What about errors? 错误呢? I kept saying that you don't need to worry about them, but it is good to know a little about them. 我一直在说,您不必担心它们,但是对它们有所了解一件好事。 Basically, in promise-terms, when an error happens inside of a util.promisify 'd function, we say that that promise rejects . 基本上,在诺言条款中,当在util.promisify函数内部发生错误时,我们说诺言会被拒绝 Rejected promises behave mostly the same way you'd expect errors to; 被拒绝的诺言的行为基本上与您期望错误的方式相同; they throw an error message and stop whatever promise they're in. So if one of our promisifiedReaddir calls rejects, it'll stop the whole createFiles function. 他们会抛出错误消息并停止所有的承诺。因此,如果我们的promisifiedReaddir调用之一拒绝,它将停止整个createFiles函数。

What about that copyFile function? 那那个copyFile函数呢? Well, we have two options: 好吧,我们有两个选择:

  1. Use somebody else's function. 使用别人的功能。 No need to re-invent the wheel! 无需重新发明轮子! quickly-copy-file looks to be a good module (plus, it returns a promise, which is useful for us). quickly-copy-file看起来是一个不错的模块(此外,它会返回一个promise,这对我们很有用)。

  2. Program it ourselves. 自己编程。

Programming it ourselves isn't too hard, actually, but it takes a little bit more than simply using util.promisify : 实际上,我们自己编写它并不难,但是它比简单地使用util.promisify花费了更多util.promisify

function copyFile(from, to) {
  // Hmm.. we want to copy a file. We already know how to do that in normal
  // JavaScript - we'd just use a createReadStream and pipe that into a
  // createWriteStream. But we need to return a promise for our code to work
  // like we want it to.

  // This means we'll have to make our own hand-made promise. Thankfully,
  // that's not actually too difficult..

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Yikes! What's THIS code mean?
    // Well, it literally says we're returning a new Promise object, with a
    // function given to it as an argument. This function takes two arguments
    // of its own: "resolve" and "reject". We'll look at them separately
    // (but maybe you can guess what they mean already!).

    // We do still need to create our read and write streams like we always do
    // when copying files:
    const readStream = fs.createReadStream(from)
    const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(to)

    // And we need to pipe the read stream into the write stream (again, as
    // usual):

    // ..But now we need to figure out how to tell the promise when we're done
    // copying the files.

    // Well, we'll start by doing *something* when the pipe operation is
    // finished. That's simple enough; we'll just set up an event listener:
    writeStream.on('close', () => {
      // Remember the "resolve" and "reject" functions we got earlier? Well, we
      // can use them to tell the promise when we're done. So we'll do that here:

    // Okay, but what about errors? What if, for some reason, the pipe fails?
    // That's simple enough to deal with too, if you know how. Remember how we
    // learned a little on rejected promises, earlier? Since we're making
    // our own Promise object, we'll need to create that rejection ourself
    // (if anything goes wrong).

    writeStream.on('error', err => {
      // We'll use the "reject" argument we were given to show that something
      // inside the promise failed. We can specify what that something is by
      // passing the error object (which we get passed to our event listener,
      // as usual).

    // ..And we'll do the same in case our read stream fails, just in case:
    readStream.on('error', err => {

    // And now we're done! We've created our own hand-made promise-returning
    // function, which we can use in our `createFiles` function that we wrote
    // earlier.

..And here's all the finished code, so that you can review it yourself: ..这是所有完成的代码,因此您可以自己查看它:

const util = require('util')
const fs = require('fs')

const promisifiedReaddir = util.promisify(fs.readdir)

function createFiles(countryCode) {
  const readdirPromise = promisifiedReaddir('./app/data')

  return readdirPromise.then(directories => {
    const promises = directory.map(directory => {
      return promisifiedReaddir(`./app/data/${directory}`).then(files => {
        return copyFile(`./app/data/${directory}/en.yml`, `./app/data/${directory}/${countryCode}.yml`)

    const allPromise = Promies.all(promises)

    return allPromise

function copyFile(from, to) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const readStream = fs.createReadStream(from)
    const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(to)

    writeStream.on('close', () => {

    writeStream.on('error', err => {

    readStream.on('error', err => {

Of course, this implementation isn't perfect . 当然,这种实现并不完美 You could improve it by looking at other implementations - for example this one destroys the read and write streams when an error occurs, which is a bit cleaner than our method (which doesn't do that). 你可以通过看其他实现改进-比如这一个破坏读,当出现错误时,比我们的方法清洁有点写入流(不这样做)。 The most reliable way would probably to go with the module I linked earlier! 最可靠的方法可能是与我先前链接的模块配合使用

I highly recommend you watch funfunfunction's video on promises . 强烈建议您按承诺观看funfunfunction的视频 It explains how promises work in general, how to use Promise.all , and more; 它说明了Promise.all一般如何工作,如何使用Promise.all等。 and he's almost certainly better at explaining this whole concept than I am! 而且他几乎可以肯定比我更擅长于解释整个概念!

First, create a function that returns a promise: 首先,创建一个返回诺言的函数:

function processDirectory(directory) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fs.readdir(`./app/data/${directory}`, (err, files) => {
      if (err) reject(err);

      console.log(`Creating ${countryCode}.yml for ${directory}`);

        .on('finish', resolve);

Then use Promise.all: 然后使用Promise.all:


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