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[英]How can I make this button change the background color after selecting color from the input?

How can I make this button change the background color after selecting color from the input?? 从输入中选择颜色后,如何使此按钮更改背景颜色?

 var theInput = document.getElementById("favColor"); var body = document.querySelector("body"); var theColor = theInput.value; theInput.addEventListener("change", function() { body.style.background = theInput.value; }, false); 
 <form> <input type="color" name="colorChange" value="" id="favColor"> <button id="changeColor">Click me</button> </form> 

You should attach a click event to the button changeColor then perform the color change inside this event, like : 您应该将click事件附加到按钮changeColor然后在此事件中执行颜色更改,如:

  var button = document.querySelector("#changeColor");

  button.addEventListener("click", function() {
    body.style.background = theInput.value;
  }, false);

NOTE : A button inside form is by default a submit button, so you should add type='button' : 注意: form内的按钮默认为提交按钮,因此您应该添加type='button'

<button id="changeColor" type="button">Click me</button>

Or e.preventDefault() : 或者e.preventDefault()

button.addEventListener("click", function(e) {

    body.style.background = theInput.value;
}, false);

To prevent the form submit and page refresh after the click. 单击后阻止表单提交和页面刷新。

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

Working snippet : 工作片段:

 var theInput = document.getElementById("favColor"); var body = document.querySelector("body"); var button = document.querySelector("#changeColor"); button.addEventListener("click", function() { body.style.background = theInput.value; }, false); 
 <form> <input type="color" name="colorChange" value="" id="favColor"> <button id="changeColor" type="button">Click me</button> </form> 

If you want the color of the button to change as soon as the user types the color in, change the event listener from change to keyUp like such: 如果您希望在用户键入颜色后立即更改按钮的颜色,请将事件侦听器从changekeyUp如下所示:

 <form> <input type="color" name="colorChange" value="" id="favColor"> <button id="changeColor">Click me</button> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> var theInput = document.getElementById("favColor"); var body = document.querySelector("body"); var theColor = theInput.value; theInput.addEventListener("keyup", function() { document.getElementById("changeColor").style.background = theInput.value; }, false); </script> 

 var theInput = document.getElementById("favColor"); var body = document.querySelector("body"); var theColor = theInput.value; function changeColor() { body.style.background = theInput.value; } 
 <input type="color" name="colorChange" value="" id="favColor"> <button id="changeColor" onclick="changeColor()">Click me</button> 

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