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如何使用“输入颜色和 onchange”更改 canvas 背景颜色

[英]How can i change canvas background color with “ input color and onchange ”

My teacher gave me homework, but he didn't explain the details.我的老师给了我作业,但他没有解释细节。 He just said "write JS codes to change canvas background with color input and onChange event".他只是说“编写JS代码以通过颜色输入和onChange事件更改canvas背景”。 So far, I have tried this but I am stuck:到目前为止,我已经尝试过了,但我被卡住了:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <canvas id="canvas1" width="200" height="100"
style="border:1px; background:red ; color:blue ">
  <input type="button" onclick="myFunction()">
  <input type="color"  onchange="?">

function myFunction() {
  document.getElementById('canvas1').style.background = "green";


You're pretty close.你很接近。 What you could do is add a parameter for myFunction which would be a reference of the input to itself, then use that to set the value.您可以做的是为 myFunction 添加一个参数,该参数将作为输入对其自身的引用,然后使用它来设置值。 Here's an example of what I mean:这是我的意思的一个例子:

Change the input to this:将输入更改为:

<input type="color"  onchange="myFunction(this)">

And change the function to this:并将 function 更改为:

function myFunction(self) {
    document.getElementById('canvas1').style.background = self.value;

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