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[英]Is there a well-defined way to check if a path is a simple file/folder name in Python?

I'm trying to check if a given user-supplied string is a simple file/folder name. 我正在尝试检查给定的用户提供的字符串是否是简单的文件/文件夹名称。 I plan on using os.path.join() to concatenate this name to a preset root directory, but I want to detect and prohibit paths that try to traverse anywhere outside of that root directory. 我计划使用os.path.join()将这个名称连接到预设的根目录,但是我想检测并禁止试图遍历该根目录之外的任何路径。

For example, a string with the value 'track001.mp3' would be fine, it would resolve to 'root_dir/track001.mp3'. 例如,值为“ track001.mp3”的字符串就可以了,它将解析为“ root_dir / track001.mp3”。 However, these should be detected and disallowed: 但是,应检测并禁止以下操作:


I would advise you to create the path string as you normally would assuming that the user is behaving (eg passing a "simple" or conforming path name). 我建议您像通常假设用户所表现的那样创建路径字符串(例如,传递“简单”或一致的路径名)。 Then I'd use os.path.expandvars and os.path.normpath to get the actual path name. 然后,我将使用os.path.expandvarsos.path.normpath来获取实际的路径名。 Finally, I'd check to make sure that the actual path name resides within the root directory. 最后,我将检查以确保实际路径名位于根目录中。 Something like: 就像是:

from os.path import expandvars, normpath, join

ROOT_DIR = 'root_dir'

user_path = 'some_path'
test_path = normpath(expandvars(join(ROOT_DIR, user_path)))

expected_prefix = normpath(ROOT_DIR)
if not test_path.startswith(expected_prefix):
    raise ValueError(f'Invalid path "{user_path}"')  # python3.6 f-string.

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