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[英]Facebook Account Kit and token for business

We have 3 apps using the very same user base. 我们有3个使用相同用户群的应用程序。 Users are able to use these apps with one account. 用户可以通过一个帐户使用这些应用。 Hence, we are using token_for_business id of facebook users in graph api to be able to recognise them in all 3 apps. 因此,我们在图形API中使用了Facebook用户的token_for_business ID,以便能够在所有3个应用中识别它们。 However, we cannot find anything about token_for_business like approach in account kit documentations. 但是,我们在帐户工具包文档中找不到关于token_for_business之类的方法的任何信息。 Hence, we cannot recognise a user in an app, who registered in another app. 因此,我们无法识别某个应用程序中已在另一个应用程序中注册的用户。

Is there anything like token_for_business in Account Kit, or should I request a feature from Facebook? 帐户工具包中是否有诸如token_for_business之类的东西,还是应该向Facebook请求功能?

There's currently no such feature for AccountKit. AccountKit目前没有此类功能。 Though one way that you can implement this yourself is by storing the phone number (or email, if you use that flow) for each app login and cross reference them in your own data. 尽管您可以自己实现此目的的一种方法是通过存储每个应用程序登录的电话号码(或电子邮件,如果使用此流程),然后在自己的数据中交叉引用它们。

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