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Facebook 商业帐户和“登台”应用

[英]Facebook Business Account and 'staging' app

We are a company that currently advertises on Facebook, to automate some part of our business we are building an external app that uses Facebook Marketing API.我们是一家目前在 Facebook 上做广告的公司,为了自动化我们业务的某些部分,我们正在构建一个使用 Facebook Marketing API 的外部应用程序。 It will mainly create campaigns/adsets/ads/custom_conversions.它将主要创建campaign/adsets/ads/custom_conversions。

We are having a discussion about setting up our assets for testing our API calls.我们正在讨论设置我们的资产以测试我们的 API 调用。 Right now we are doing these API calls on our 'production' Business Account and these resources: our dedicated Facebook app our 'production' Ad account our 'production' Pixel our 'production' page our 'production' instagram现在,我们正在对我们的“生产”业务帐户和这些资源进行这些 API 调用:我们的专用 Facebook 应用程序我们的“生产”广告帐户我们的“生产”像素我们的“生产”页面我们的“生产”instagram

By 'production' I mean the accounts we use to advertise for our business on a daily basis.我所说的“生产”是指我们每天用来为我们的业务做广告的帐户。

It seems that Facebook does not like our way to do things since some time after we have published some garbage adsets on our Ads Manager we had issues to do other actions on Business Manager (some of our campaigns were not reaching people normally for example). Facebook 似乎不喜欢我们的做事方式,因为在我们在 Ads Manager 上发布了一些垃圾广告集后的一段时间,我们在 Business Manager 上执行其他操作时遇到了问题(例如,我们的一些活动无法正常接触到人们)。 e would like to find a way to test our app without disturbing our 'production'. e 想找到一种方法来测试我们的应用程序而不干扰我们的“生产”。

Is there an optimal way to set up 'staging' assets?是否有设置“暂存”资产的最佳方式? Should we create another Business account with new resources dedicated for testing?我们是否应该使用专门用于测试的新资源创建另一个企业帐户? Or does it have to happen on the Ad account level?还是必须在广告帐户级别发生?

Some hints for anyone searching for this.对任何搜索此内容的人的一些提示。

Facebook allows you to create a testing environment by creating a test app for you fb application. Facebook 允许您通过为您的 fb 应用程序创建一个测试应用程序来创建一个测试环境。 the test app is a clone of your actual app where you can change some settings without affecting the original app, for example you can use it for local testing.测试应用程序是您的实际应用程序的克隆,您可以在其中更改一些设置而不影响原始应用程序,例如您可以将其用于本地测试。

another tool you can use is the sandbox ads manager account were you can create ads through the marketing API without actually running or pay for these ads.您可以使用的另一个工具是沙盒广告经理帐户,您可以通过营销 API 创建广告,而无需实际运行这些广告或为这些广告付费。

  • To create a test app Go to https://developers.facebook.com/创建测试应用程序 转到https://developers.facebook.com/
  • Click My Apps dropdown单击我的应用程序下拉菜单
  • Choose an app and select create test app from the side menu.选择一个应用程序,然后从侧面菜单中选择创建测试应用程序。

to create sandbox ad account check out https://developers.facebook.com/ads/blog/post/v2/2016/10/19/sandbox-ad-accounts/要创建沙盒广告帐户,请查看https://developers.facebook.com/ads/blog/post/v2/2016/10/19/sandbox-ad-accounts/

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