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[英]How do I replace zeroes in multiple variable dataframes within a for loop?

So I have 1,000 dataframes to process using a FOR loop in R, say they are named DF1 to DF1000. 因此,我有1,000个数据帧要使用R中的FOR循环进行处理,说它们被命名为DF1至DF1000。 I need to replace all 0 values within the data frames to 1's. 我需要将数据帧中的所有0值替换为1。 I try to write this as follows. 我尝试这样写。

for (i in 1:1000){

This brings up an error ("could not find eval<-"). 这将引发错误(“找不到eval <-”)。 How do I resolve this issue? 我该如何解决这个问题? I tried using "assign" but get a different error ("target of assignment expands to non-language object"). 我尝试使用“赋值”,但遇到了另一个错误(“赋值目标扩展为非语言对象”)。

Thanks in advance, Alvo 在此先感谢Alvo

One way is to assign every character value DF to a new DF in the global environment, using base replace function. 一种方法是使用基本replace功能assign每个字符值DF assign全局环境中的新DF

for (i in 1:1000){
      assign(paste0("DF", i),
             replace(eval(parse(text = paste0("DF", i))), eval(parse(text = paste0("DF", i))) == 0, 1),
             envir = .GlobalEnv)

This is similar to replace(DF,DF == 0, 1) outside the for loop. 这类似于for循环外的replace(DF,DF == 0, 1)

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