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何时/如何在物理层发送BLE GATT通知/指示

[英]When/How is a BLE GATT Notify/Indicate is send on physical layer

I read the bluetooth core spec. 我阅读了蓝牙核心规格。 V4.2 /BLE (..) V4.2 / BLE(..)

The communication in connection state is always master initiated, slave returns data afterwards. 连接状态下的通信始终由主机发起,从机随后返回数据。 The master here is a GATT client talking to GATT server (peripheral device). 此处的主机是与GATT服务器(外围设备)通信的GATT客户端。

I do not understand the GATT Feature "notify" respectively how it works via the lower layers when the master always has to request before sending data. 当主机始终必须在发送数据之前请求时,我不了解GATT功能“通知”它们如何分别通过较低的层工作。

Someone knows how it works ? 有人知道它是如何工作的吗?

BLE is timeslotted. BLE已时隙化。 In connected state, there are connection events that happen periodically, with an interval called connectionInterval . 在连接状态下,会定期发生连接事件 ,间隔时间称为connectionInterval

Each connection event is master initiated, which means the master sends the first packet within the connection event. 每个连接事件都是由主机发起的,这意味着主机会在连接事件内发送第一个数据包。

In order to keep the connection alive, slave has to send a packet (and get it acknowledged) at least once every supervisionTimeout . 为了使连接保持活动状态,从属服务器必须每个监管超时至少发送一次数据包(并使其得到确认)。 There are other timeouts that make the slave respond before that anyway, one of which is the slaveLatency , ie the number of connection events a slave can ignore before having to respond to master (even if not responding is not a cause for disconnection, it can cause other problems in the protocol, and thus disconnections). 无论如何,还有其他超时会使从属服务器在此之前做出响应,其中之一是slaveLatency ,即从属服务器在必须响应主服务器之前可以忽略的连接事件数(即使不响应不是断开连接的原因,它也可以导致协议中出现其他问题,从而断开连接)。 On the other hand, master should send a packet on each connection event. 另一方面,主机应在每个连接事件上发送一个数据包。

connectionInterval , slaveLatency and supervisionTimeout are the timing part of the connection parameters in the spec. connectionIntervalslaveLatencysupervisoringTimeout是规范中连接参数的计时部分。 Connection interval ranges from 7.5 ms to 4 seconds, slaveLatency from 0 (then slave should respond on every connection event) to the number of connection events corresponding to supervisionTimeout / 2. (See 6.B.4.5.1 for the full definition) 连接间隔的范围是7.5 ms到4秒, slaveLatency从0(然后,slave应在每个连接事件上响应)到对应于supervisoringTimeout / 2的连接事件数。(有关完整定义,请参见6.B.4.5.1)

So, basically, any payload (including GATT notifications) is queued in the slave or master's stack buffers until the next connection event happens. 因此,基本上,任何有效负载(包括GATT通知)都会在从属或主控的堆栈缓冲区中排队,直到发生下一个连接事件为止。 Whatever the direction (slave to master or master to slave), party has to wait for the next connection event to sends its packets. 无论方向是什么(从站到主站或从主站到从站),参与方都必须等待下一个连接事件才能发送其数据包。

Inside a given connection event, each party sends a packet in turn, optionally without any useful payload, until nobody has nothing to send any more. 在给定的连接事件内,各方依次发送一个数据包(可选地,没有任何有用的有效负载),直到没有人可以发送更多信息为止。 (See 6.B.4.5.6) (见6.B.4.5.6)

That means a notification is queued at most for connectionInterval , if radio gets the packet transmitted on the first try. 这意味着,如果radio第一次尝试发送发送的数据包,则通知最多会在connectionInterval队列中排队。

That's why connection parameters have to be negotiated properly, and that's also why they are different depending on the device type. 这就是为什么必须正确协商连接参数的原因,也是它们根据设备类型而有所不同的原因。 For instance, a HID (mouse, keyboard, remote control) is generally allowed to connect with a connection interval under 10 ms, while heart rate monitor usually gets a connection interval over a second. 例如,通常允许HID(鼠标,键盘,遥控器)以10毫秒以下的连接间隔进行连接,而心率监测器通常以一秒为单位进行连接。

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