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IE11 的 Math.pow 替代“**”ES7 polyfill

[英]Math.pow alternative "**" ES7 polyfill for IE11

I'm trying to evaluate an expression which contains power, in string as ** .我正在尝试评估一个包含幂的表达式,在字符串中为** ie eval("(22**3)/12*6+3/2") .The problem is Internet Explorer 11 does not recognizes this and throws syntax error.eval("(22**3)/12*6+3/2") 。问题是 Internet Explorer 11 无法识别这一点并引发语法错误。 Which poly-fill I should use to overcome this?我应该使用哪种填充物来克服这个问题? Right now I'm using Modernizr 2.6.2 .现在我正在使用Modernizr 2.6.2

example equation would be,示例方程是,


If it is not possible to do this, what are the possible alternatives?如果无法做到这一点,有哪些可能的替代方案?

You cannot polyfill operators - only library members (prototypes, constructors, properties).您不能 polyfill 运算符 - 只有库成员(原型、构造函数、属性)。

As your operation is confined to an eval call, you could attempt to write your own expression parser, but that would be a lot of work.由于您的操作仅限于eval调用,您可以尝试编写自己的表达式解析器,但这将是很多工作。

(As an aside, you shouldn't be using eval anyway, for very good reasons that I won't get into in this posting). (顺便说一句,无论如何你都不应该使用eval ,因为我不会在这篇文章中讨论这个很好的理由)。

Another (hack-ish) option is to use a regular expression to identify trivial cases of x**y and convert them to Math.pow :另一个(hack-ish)选项是使用正则表达式来识别x**y的琐碎情况并将它们转换为Math.pow

function detectAndFixTrivialPow( expressionString ) {

    var pattern = /(\w+)\*\*(\w+)/i;

    var fixed = expressionString.replace( pattern, 'Math.pow($1,$2)' );
    return fixed;

eval( detectAndFixTrivialPow( "foo**bar" ) );

You can use a regular expression to replace the occurrences of ** with Math.pow() invocations:您可以使用正则表达式将出现的**替换为Math.pow()调用:

 let expression = "(22**3)/12*6+3/2" let processed = expression.replace(/(\w+)\*\*(\w+)/g, 'Math.pow($1,$2)'); console.log(processed); console.log(eval(processed));

Things might get complicated if you start using nested or chained power expressions though.但是,如果您开始使用嵌套或链接的幂表达式,事情可能会变得复杂。

I think you need to do some preprocessing of the input.我认为您需要对输入进行一些预处理。 Here is how i would approach this:这是我将如何处理这个问题:

  1. Find "**" in string.在字符串中查找“**”。
  2. Check what is on the left and right.检查左侧和右侧的内容。
  3. Extract "full expressions" from left and right - if there is just a number - take it as is, and if there is a bracket - find the matching one and take whatever is inside as an expression.从左右提取“完整表达式” - 如果只有一个数字 - 按原样处理,如果有括号 - 找到匹配的一个并将里面的任何内容作为表达式。
  4. Replace the 2 expressions with Math.pow(left, right)用 Math.pow(left, right) 替换 2 个表达式

您可以在线使用 Babel为 IE 11 转换 javascript。

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