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如何在React Native中的TabNavigator中添加列表计数

[英]How to add a list count inside TabNavigator in react native

How to implement the count inside the tab navigator in react native.Below is the example image. 如何在react native中的选项卡导航器中实现计数。下面是示例图像。 I have asked react communities but nobody seems to have an answer for this. 我曾问过反应社区,但似乎没人对此有答案。 Please Help. 请帮忙。 在此处输入图片说明

You have two options here: 您在这里有两个选择:

1.Use redux or something else so that your tab component knows its own count, regardless of the route. 1.使用redux或其他方法,使选项卡组件可以知道其自身计数,而与路由无关。

2.You can have a param like badgeCount, which is visible because tabBar or any other navigation option can be defined as a function of the navigation prop: 2,您可以有一个参数如badgeCount,它是可见的,因为可以将tabBar或任何其他导航选项定义为导航道具的函数:

static navigationOptions = {
        tabBar: (navigation) => ({
            label: 'Home',
            icon: ({ tintColor, focused }) =>
                    name={focused ? 'ios-home' : 'ios-home-outline'}
                    style={{ color: tintColor }}

Then you can change the param by calling navigation.setParams({ badgeCount: 123 }). 然后,可以通过调用navigation.setParams({badgeCount:123})来更改参数。

This has been addressed in this Github issue 这已得到解决这个 Github的问题

In your Past Page: 在您的过去页面中:

static navigationOptions = ({navigation}) => ({
  title: 'yourTitle',
  tabBarLabel: 'Past${navigation.state.params.count}'

and it will display new count after you change the count by setParams method: 通过setParams方法更改计数后,它将显示新计数:

navigation.setParams({count: list.length})

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