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iOS Swift 3中的内存泄漏

[英]Memory Leak in iOS swift 3

I have recently started Swift and learning Memory Management . 我最近开始学习Swift并学习内存管理 And I am unable to solve this issue of memory leak. 我无法解决此内存泄漏问题。

This is my model class: 这是我的模型课:

class Contact {

   var name: String?
   var age: String?

   weak var address: Address?

   deinit {
      print("Contact Delloacated")


class Address {
   var address: String?

I am using this model in my controller. 我在控制器中使用此模型。

class Controller: UIViewController {
  var contacts: [Contact]()?

 fetchContact() {
    let path = "some url"
    let url = URL(string: path)
    let session = URLSession.shared

    let task = session.dataTask(with: url!) { [weak self] (data, 
    response, error) in
     if error != nil {
       if let data = data {
            do {
                let jsonResult = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: 
                data, options: .mutableContainers)
                self?.contacts = [Contact]()

               let contact = Contact()

               // do some operation to get required data and append 
               //into contactList array


  override func viewDidLoad() {



Although I have used weak for Address in Contact model and used "[weak self]" in closure of "fetchContact()" method in controller while fetching data to avoid retain cycle. 尽管我在Contact模型中对Address使用了weak ,并且在控制器中为获取数据以避免保留周期时在控制器的“ fetchContact()”方法的关闭中使用了“ [weak self]”。 But still I got memory leak warning in line : "self?.append?.append(contact)". 但是我仍然在行中收到内存泄漏警告 “ self?.append?.append(contact)”。 I observed the leak from instrument in Xcode 8.3.3. 我在Xcode 8.3.3中观察到仪器泄漏。

I am confused why there is still strong reference of Contact in controller class. 我很困惑,为什么控制器类中仍然有Contact的强大参考。

In your case you are using for loop for parsing dictionary. 在您的情况下,您正在使用for循环来解析字典。 So , you can release memory inside for loop by using autorelease 因此,您可以使用autorelease循环内的内存

Write this inside for loop , this will release memory everytime loop is called. 将此内容写入for循环中,这将在每次调用循环时释放内存。

autoreleasepool {
  /* code */ 

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