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[英]While creating a new cluster of EMR on AWS, getting this error `EMR_AutoScaling_DefaultRole is invalid`


Terminated with errorsFailed to provision ec2 instances because 'The requested instance profile EMR_AutoScaling_DefaultRole is invalid'

Try disabling autoscaling when creating the EMR cluster. 创建EMR群集时,请尝试禁用自动缩放。

If your cluster uses autoscaling, it needs a role for the autoscaling. 如果您的集群使用自动缩放,则需要一个角色来进行自动缩放。 Depending on the way you create the cluster, that particular role might be created automatically for you. 根据您创建集群的方式,该特定角色可能会自动为您创建。

You can read more on the topic here . 您可以在此处阅读有关该主题的更多信息

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