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Data Matrix 2d条码和融合专业版

[英]Data Matrix 2d barcode and fusion pro

I'm in a bit of a stump. 我有点难受。 Not sure how many people here are familiar with the plug-in "Fusion Pro" for Acrobat but maybe it doesn't matter. 不知道这里有多少人熟悉Acrobat的插件“ Fusion Pro”,但这也许并不重要。

I need to create a 2d Barcode and have it read data for 3 or more columns in excel ie: A, B, C, D 我需要创建一个二维条形码,并让它读取Excel中3个或更多列的数据,即:A,B,C,D

As said earlier, I've been creating these barcodes through fusion pro and it's called a "DataMatrix" does DataMatrix imply that the barcode is 2D or are the other different names that 2D barcodes can have? 如前所述,我一直在通过Fusion Pro创建这些条形码,它被称为“ DataMatrix”,DataMatrix是否暗示条形码是2D的,或者2D条形码可以具有其他不同的名称?

Thank you! 谢谢!

ALSO: If you have a solution for this through another software please don't hesitate to mention that. 还:如果您有其他软件的解决方案,请不要犹豫。 I'm not bounded to just use FusionPro. 我并不仅限于使用FusionPro。

DataMatrix does imply 2D barcodes. DataMatrix确实隐含2D条码。 There are several encoding strategies for DataMatrix and other 2D barcodes (QR Code and PDF417 are two highly popular ones). DataMatrix和其他2D条形码有几种编码策略(QR Code和PDF417是两种非常流行的条形码)。 What you want to do is "Tab-delimit" your data, so Excel puts the fields in different columns. 您要做的是“制表符定界”您的数据,因此Excel将字段放在不同的列中。 That means embedding the ASCII control character HT (for horizontal tab) in between your fields. 这意味着在您的字段之间嵌入ASCII控制字符HT(用于水平制表符)。

Each of the symbologies has a method for embedding control and escape characters in the data portion of the barcode and I would like to think that the barcode generator - Fusion Pro, in this case, would have some mechanism as well. 每个符号都有一种在条形码的数据部分中嵌入控制字符和转义字符的方法,我想在这种情况下,条形码生成器-Fusion Pro也具有某种机制。

You may need to embed a CR (carriage return) or LF (line feed) or both at the very end of the data to get Excel to accept the input and automatically move between lines, or you may have to scan into notepad, then import to Excel. 您可能需要在数据的末尾嵌入CR(回车符)或LF(换行符)或两者都嵌入,以使Excel接受输入并自动在各行之间移动,或者您可能必须扫描到记事本中,然后导入脱颖而出。

Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Matrix for details on data encoding. 查阅https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Matrix了解有关数据编码的详细信息。

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