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[英]Apply function to subset elements that satisfy a criteria across subset of columns in data.table

Consider the data.table, exampleDT , 考虑data.table, exampleDT

exampleDT = data.table(colA = rnorm(10,15,5),
                       colB = runif(10,100,150),
                       targetA = rnorm(10,12,2),
                       targetB = rnorm(10,8,4))

If I want to calculate the mean of all elements in column targetA , for example, that are below some threshold -- say, 10 -- I can do the following: 例如,如果我要计算targetA列中所有元素的均值,这些均值低于某个阈值(例如10),则可以执行以下操作:

examp_threshold = 10
# [1] 9.224007566814299

And if I want to calculate the mean of all elements in columns targetA and targetB , for example, I can do the following: 而且,例如,如果我要计算targetAtargetB列中所有元素的均值,则可以执行以下操作:

target_cols = names(exampleDT)[which(names(exampleDT) %like% "target")] 
#              targetA           targetB
# 1: 12.60101574551183 7.585007905896557

But I don't know how to combine the two; 但是我不知道如何将两者结合起来。 that is, to calculate the mean of all elements in all columns containing a specified string ("target", in this case) that are below some specified threshold (10, here). 也就是说,计算包含指定字符串(在此情况下为“目标”)的所有列中的所有元素的均值低于某个指定阈值(此处为10)的平均值。 This was my first guess, but it was unsuccessful: 这是我的第一个猜测,但未成功:

#Empty data.table (0 rows) of 2 cols: targetA,targetB

You need to subset in the j expression, like so: 您需要在j表达式中设置子集,如下所示:

exampleDT[, lapply(.SD, function(x) mean(x[x<examp_threshold])),.SDcols=target_cols]

#   targetA targetB
#1: 9.224008 6.66624

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