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Visual Studio 2005是否受PostSharp支持?

[英]Visual Studio 2005 Support by PostSharp?

My Application is running in visual studio 2005 .Net framework 2.0.Is Visual Studio 2005 Supported by Post Sharp? 我的应用程序在Visual Studio 2005 .Net Framework 2.0中运行.Post Sharp是否支持Visual Studio 2005? Nuget Manager package is not a part of visual studio 2005. Let know your input. Nuget Manager软件包不是Visual Studio 2005的一部分。请告知您的输入。

Thanks, Kumar Manish 谢谢,库玛·曼尼什(Kumar Manish)

No, PostSharp 5.0 supports .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and later along with Visual Studio 2012 Update 5 and later. 不,PostSharp 5.0支持.NET Framework 3.5 SP1和更高版本以及Visual Studio 2012 Update 5和更高版本。

If the target machine is running .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or later it would be in theory possible to use PostSharp from command line (see this ). 如果目标机器运行的.NET Framework 3.5 SP1或更高版本,将在理论上可以使用PostSharp命令行(见 )。

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