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[英]How to get Unicode window title correctly

I create Win32 console application that does a simple task: it enumerates captions of all windows. 我创建了Win32控制台应用程序,该应用程序执行简单的任务:它枚举所有窗口的标题。 Everything works well except one little point – “non-English” titles are returned as “GDI+ Window”. 除了一点点以外,其他所有内容都运行良好-“非英语”标题将作为“ GDI +窗口”返回。

I do not know how to retrieve such captions in a right way. 我不知道如何以正确的方式检索此类字幕。

For example, I have window with the caption: Hello Мир. 例如,我有一个带标题的窗口:HelloМир。 However, GetWindowTextW returns “Hello GDI+ Window” 但是,GetWindowTextW返回“ Hello GDI + Window”

There is my program code (simplified): 有我的程序代码(简体):

    BOOL CALLBACK nextWindow ( HWND window, LPARAM param )
        int i = GetWindowTextW ( ... );
        wprintf ( ... );
        return true;

    int main ()
        WNDENUMPROC func = &nextWindow;
        LPARAM someValue = 0;

        BOOL result = EnumWindows ( func, someValue );
        return 0;

There is my Project Settings: Visual Studio Project Settings 有我的项目设置: Visual Studio项目设置

Thank you! 谢谢!

Thank you guys, you were most helpful! 谢谢大家,您最有帮助!

In my case, I just need to change translation mode using the following code: 就我而言,我只需要使用以下代码来更改翻译模式:

_setmode ( _fileno ( stdout ), _O_U8TEXT );

See more details in article by Michael S. Kaplan . 请参阅Michael S. Kaplan的文章中的更多详细信息。

Problem solved. 问题解决了。

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