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[英]Is there a way to listen silent events on backbonejs?

I'm trying to listen backbone's model's ´changed´-event for certain attribute, like 我正在尝试侦听骨干模型的“更改”事件的某些属性,例如

this.listenTo(this, 'change:someAttr', this.eventListener);

However, it is changed silently, so normal event listening does not work. 但是,它被无提示更改,因此正常事件侦听不起作用。 Is there a way to listen backbone's silent events? 有没有办法听骨干的静默事件?

The only way I can think of is via some sort of "polling", ie checking over and over via a setInterval. 我能想到的唯一方法是通过某种“轮询”,即通过setInterval反复检查。

initialize: function() {
listenSilent: function() {
    var startVal = this.get('myAttr');
    var that = this;
    var silentListener = setInterval(function() {
        if (that.get('myAttr') !== startVal) {
            that.trigger('myevent'); // any custom event name that you can listen to
    }, 100);

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