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有没有办法听src属性的onload事件? (一个框架)

[英]Is there a way to listen to the `onload` events of `src` attributes? (A-frame)

Is there a way to listen to the onload events of src attributes? 有没有办法监听src属性的onload事件? I can't use <a-assets> because I'm using an <a-sky> because <a-assets> don't seem to work with <a-sky> . 我无法使用<a-assets>因为我正在使用<a-sky>因为<a-assets>似乎无法与<a-sky> And tried loading the images of <a-assets> and <a-sky> simultanously, but one image loads first and then the other, which means that the loading time is doubled. 并尝试同时加载<a-assets><a-sky>图像,但是先加载一个图像,然后再加载另一个,这意味着加载时间增加了一倍。

What's the proper way of listening to the src attribute? 侦听src属性的正确方法是什么? So I can perform an action when the image in it has loaded? 因此,当其中的图像已加载时,我可以执行一个操作?

(I want to avoid having an blank scene while the image on the src of the <a-sky> is loading.) (我要避免在加载<a-sky>src上的图像时出现空白场景。)

Like Don said, use the crossorigin flag on the asset to get it working with your <a-sky> . 就像Don所说的crossorigin ,在资产上使用crossorigin标志使它与您的<a-sky>

Once you have that, you can listen to img.onload / loaded like you would with a normal DOM event. 一旦有了它,就可以像正常的DOM事件一样监听img.onload / loaded Below I wrap some code inside an A-Frame component that automatically hooks into the scene: 下面,我在A-Frame组件中包装了一些代码,该组件会自动挂接到场景中:

  // Do something on asset load.
  AFRAME.registerComponent('do-on-asset-load', {
    schema: {
      src: {type: 'selector'}

    init: function () { 
      var el = this.el;
      var assetEl = this.data.src;
      assetEl.addEventListener('load', function () {
        // Do something with your element.

    <img id="my-asset" src="https://..." crossorigin="anonymous">
  <a-sky src="#my-asset" do-on-asset-load="#my-asset"></a-sky>

If you weren't using assets, you'd have to reach into the material to grab the internally-created image: 如果您不使用资产,则必须深入素材以获取内部创建的图像:


I can't find a load event equivalent that works here, but <a-assets/> is supposed to work in this case. 我找不到在这里可以使用的等效load事件,但是在这种情况下<a-assets/>应该可以使用。 If the shorthand <a-sky/> doesn't work with assets, you can use the longer form: 如果速记<a-sky/>不适用于资产,则可以使用较长的形式:

    <img id="my-asset" src="https://..." crossorigin="anonymous">
  <a-entity geometry="primitive: sphere;
                      radius: 5000;"
            material="src: #asset-id;
                      side: back;">

Note: I don't know why crossorigin="anonymous" is necessary. 注意:我不知道为什么需要crossorigin="anonymous" It probably shouldn't be, but it is as of 08/07/16. 可能不应该这样,但截至16年8月7日。

Consider this: *"If the additional-layers of 'A-Frame or what-have-you' did not exist, could you attach a DOM event-handler to "an attribute of" something?" 考虑一下:*“如果不存在“ A框架或您拥有什么”的附加层,您可以将DOM事件处理程序附加到某物属性吗?”

The answer would be "No": "DOM objects" generate and receive events, but their attributes do not. 答案将是“否”: “ DOM 对象”会生成和接收事件,但它们的属性却不会。

Therefore, 'A-Frame or what-have-you,' being necessarily built on top of these things and therefore wholly dependent upon it, by-definition "can do no more (or less)." 因此,“A-Frame或什么具备的,你,”正在必然建立在这些东西上面 ,因此完全依赖于它,通过定义“可以做没有更多的(或更少)。”

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