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使用正则表达式提取多个值并将其重新格式化为shell oneliner中的新字符串?

[英]Extract multiple values using regex and reformat them into a new string in a shell oneliner?

Lets say for a simple example that I have a bunch of lines like this: 让我们举一个简单的例子,我有一堆这样的代码:


And I want to transform them into something like this: 我想将它们转换为如下形式:

second value: 2; first value: 1
second value: 4; first value: 3

In general I want to extract those values using a regex and then use them as variables for formatting an output string. 通常,我想使用正则表达式提取这些值,然后将它们用作格式化输出字符串的变量。

Can this be done in a shell oneliner using sed/awk or something similar? 可以使用sed / awk或类似方法在shell oneliner中完成此操作吗?


sed 's/(\([0-9]*\),\([0-9]*\))/second value: \2; first value: \1/' file

In awk: 在awk中:

awk -F'[\\(\\),]' '{print "second value: "$3"; first value: "$2}'

That is delimiting each row by either a "(", ")", or ",". 那就是用“(”,“)”或“,”来分隔每行。 Then it just prints out the 3rd and 2nd values found (your two numbers). 然后,它仅打印出找到的第三个和第二个值(您的两个数字)。


sed 's/[()]//g;s/\(.*\),\(.*\)/second value: \2; first value: \1/' input_file

another sed with rev 另一个sedrev

$ rev file | sed 's/)/second value: /;s/,/; first value: /;s/(//'

second value: 2; first value: 1
second value: 4; first value: 3

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