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[英]Extract and reformat text between string/time keys

I am having problem with extracting text between two strings. 我在提取两个字符串之间的文本时遇到问题。

I have log file like this (example data): 我有这样的日志文件(示例数据):

2018-12-31 09:49:24 addData [data=data]</br>
2018-12-31 09:49:25 publishData .......................
2018-12-31 09:49:26 createDoc [xml=
    <recipent>doctor who</recipent>
2018-12-31 09:49:26 createDoc [xml=
2018-12-31 09:51:27 exampleService [count=1]

My code: perl -ne 'print if (/09:40/ .. /09:50/)' server.log | sed -n '/createDoc/,/]/p' 我的代码: perl -ne 'print if (/09:40/ .. /09:50/)' server.log | sed -n '/createDoc/,/]/p' perl -ne 'print if (/09:40/ .. /09:50/)' server.log | sed -n '/createDoc/,/]/p'

My output is: 我的输出是:

2018-12-31 09:49:26 createDoc [xml=<mail><recipent>doctor who</recipent>
2018-12-31 09:49:26 createDoc [xml=

but I want to have only xml like this: 但我只想要这样的xml:

<mail><recipent>doctor who</recipent>
<mail><recipent>doctor who</recipent>

I would use Awk for this. 我会为此使用Awk。 If you have GNU Awk, you can even parse the time stamps easily. 如果您有GNU Awk,甚至可以轻松解析时间戳。

awk -v start=$(date -d "09:40" +%s) \
    -v end=$(date -d "09:50" +%s) '           
    /^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} / {
        if ($0 ~ / createDoc \[xml=/) {
            split($1, ymd, /-/)
            split($2, hms, /:/)
            when = mktime(ymd[1] " " ymd[2] " " ymd[3] " " hms[1] " " hms[2] " " hms[3])
            p = (when >= start && when <= end)
            if (p) $0 = substr($0, 36)
        else p = 0
    p { sub(/\]$/, ""); print }' file.log

This is somewhat Linux-centric -- in addition to GNU Awk (for the mktime function) the date syntax is specific to GNU date . 这在某种程度上以Linux为中心-除了GNU Awk(用于mktime函数)之外, date语法还特定于GNU date (On OSX try date -j %H:%M:%S 09:40:00 +%s .) (在OSX上,尝试date -j %H:%M:%S 09:40:00 +%s 。)

Let's say we have tmp.log which something like below. 假设我们有tmp.log ,如下所示。

2018-12-31 09:49:24 addData [data=data]</br>
2018-12-31 09:49:25 publishData .......................
2018-12-31 09:49:26 createDoc [xml=<mail><recipent>doctor who</recipent></mail>]<attempt>1</attempt>]
2018-12-31 09:49:26 createDoc [xml=<clientHash>hash</clientHash><content>context</content>]
2018-12-31 09:51:27 exampleService [count=1]

We can combine some basic commands to get desired output. 我们可以结合一些基本命令以获得所需的输出。

  • Extract xml contained lines from whole log file. 从整个日志文件中提取xml包含的行。
  • Split string according to '[' character and get second element. 根据'['字符分割字符串并获取第二个元素。

cat tmp.log | grep xml | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "[" } ; { print $2 }'

This will produce something like that: 这将产生如下内容:

xml=<mail><recipent>doctor who</recipent></mail><attempt>1</attempt>]

If you also want to get rid of from last character which is ' ] '. 如果您也想摆脱最后一个字符' ] '。 Add one more awk too. 也增加一个awk。

cat tmp.log | grep xml | awk  'BEGIN { FS = "[" } ; { print $2 }'| awk  'BEGIN { FS = "]" } ; { print $1 }'

I know it's not the coolest way to do that, at least it's easy to understand and works. 我知道这不是最酷的方法,至少很容易理解和使用。

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