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[英]Hibernate query one to many with foreign key pass in the list

Here is my hibernate mapping file: 这是我的休眠映射文件:

<class name="com.cms.entity.ContentPartnerMaster" table="BFContentPartnerMaster">
    <!-- <cache include="non-lazy" usage="read-only"/> -->
    <id name="partnerId" type="int" column="Id">
        <generator class="native" />
    <property name="partnerName" column="PartnerName" type="string" />
    <property name="partnerDescription" column="PartnerDescription"
        type="string" />
    <property name="isActive" column="isActive" type="boolean" />
    <property name="partnerSalt" column="PartnerSalt" type="string" />
    <bag name="carousels" table="BFCaraousal" inverse="true" lazy="true"
            <column name="Id" not-null="true" />
        <one-to-many class="com.cms.entity.Carousel" />


<class name="com.cms.entity.Carousel" table="BFCaraousal">

    <id name="caraousalId" type="int" column="CaraousalId">
        <generator class="native" />

    <property name="section" column="Section" type="string" />
    <property name="caraousalName" column="CaraousalName" type="string" />
    <property name="dateModified" column="DateModified" type="date" />
    <property name="dateAdded" column="DateAdded" type="date" />
    <property name="addedBy" column="AddedBy" type="int" />
    <property name="countryId" column="countryid" type="int" />
    <property name="partnerId" column="PartnerId" type="int" />


Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

public class ContentPartnerMaster implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private int partnerId;
    private String partnerName;
    private String partnerDescription;
    private Boolean isActive;
    private String partnerSalt;
    private ArrayList<Carousel> carousels;

    // getter setter ..

public class Carousel implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private Integer caraousalId;
    private Integer partnerId;
    private Integer countryId;
    private String section;
    private String caraousalName;
    private Integer addedBy;
    private Date dateAdded;
    private Date dateModified;

Hibernate query one to many with foreign key pass in the list Hibernate在列表中使用外键一对多查询

It is throwing error like id IllegalArgumentException occurred while calling setter of com.cms.entity.ContentPartnerMaster.carousels 调用com.cms.entity.ContentPartnerMaster.carousels setter时,发生诸如id IllegalArgumentException的抛出错误

Try using Set<> instead of ArrayList. 尝试使用Set <>而不是ArrayList。

public class ContentPartnerMaster implements Serializable { ... private Set<Carousel> carousels;

And later on when you use it, you can cast it to List<>. 以后再使用时,可以将其强制转换为List <>。

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