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[英]Plotting percentages from a csv file into matplotlib

I have a dataframe called orbital returns which I pulled from a csv: 我有一个称为csv的数据帧,它是从csv中提取的:

orbitalreturns = pd.DataFrame.from_csv('Orbital returns.csv',index_col=0,header=0) 

2014-02-28       NaN
2014-03-31     1.17%
2014-04-30     1.01%
2014-05-31     2.77%
2014-06-30     2.41%
2014-07-31    -5.44%

I simply want to plot it but get: 我只是想绘制它,但得到:

 TypeError: Empty 'DataFrame': no numeric data to plot

I have tried: 我努力了:


but get: 但得到:

AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'strip'

To work with strings you need to use .str method as described here: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/text.html#indexing-with-str 要使用字符串,您需要按如下所述使用.str方法: https : //pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/text.html#indexing-with-str

This code should work (errors will result in NaN-values - thanks for comment): 此代码应该可以工作(错误将导致NaN值-感谢您发表评论):

orbitalreturns['OrbitalReturns'] = pd.to_numeric(orbitalreturns['OrbitalReturns'].str.strip('%'),errors='coerce')

When printing: 打印时:


You get (which looks perfectly fine): 您得到(看起来很好):

0    1.17
1    1.01
2    2.77
3    2.41
4   -5.44
Name: OrbitalReturns, dtype: float64

Inspect the values in each serie below : 检查以下每个系列中的值

# array([nan, '1.17%', '1.01%', '2.77%', '2.41%', '-5.44%'], dtype=object)

# array([nan, '1.17', '1.01', '2.77', '2.41', '-5.44'], dtype=object)

# array([  nan,  1.17,  1.01,  2.77,  2.41, -5.44])

Remove the % sign and convert to a floating point number: 删除%符号并转换为浮点数:

 orbitalreturns['OrbitalReturns'] = orbitalreturns['OrbitalReturns']\

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