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[英]Python: Issue printing to file special characters (Spanish alphabet)

I'm making an an algorithm to classify words with the number of times they appear in a text given by a file. 我正在制定一种算法,可以根据单词在文件给定的文本中出现的次数对单词进行分类。

There is my method: 有我的方法:

    def printToFile(self, fileName):
    file_to_print = open(fileName, 'w')

and there is the str: 并且有str:

def __str__(self):
    cadena = ""
    self.processedWords = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.processedWords.items()))
    for key in self.processedWords:
        cadena += str(key) + ": " + str(self.processedWords[key]) + "\n"
    return cadena.decode('string_escape')

When I print the data through console there is no issues, nevertheless, when I do through file appears random characters. 但是,当我通过控制台打印数据时,没有问题,但是当我通过文件进行操作时,出现了随机字符。

This is should be the output to the file 这应该是文件的输出

This is the output given 这是给出的输出

这看起来像是一个编码问题,请尝试按以下方式打开文件:open(“ file name”,“ w”,encoding =“ utf8”)Utf8是最受欢迎的编码,但它可能不是真正的编码,您可能必须查看其他编码,例如utf16

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