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spring boot starter graphql无法正常工作

[英]spring boot starter graphql not working

I recently started working with graphql and found it very intriguing. 我最近开始使用graphql ,发现它非常有趣。 Since most of my rest apps were in java , I decided to do a quick setup using the provided spring boot starter project by the graphql-java team. 由于我的大多数rest应用程序都是使用java ,我决定使用graphql-java团队提供的spring boot starter项目进行快速设置。 It comes with graph-iql autoconf spring setup, which makes it easier to query /graphql endpoint. 它带有graph-iql autoconf spring设置,可以更容易地查询/graphql端点。

After spending a few good hours on the project setup in IDEA, I was able to run the graphql-sample-app . 在IDEA的项目设置上花了几个小时后,我能够运行graphql-sample-app But I think my servlet is still not enabled, and only the graphiql endpoint is running, as the default query is returning 404 . 但我认为我的servlet仍然没有启用,只有graphiql端点正在运行,因为默认查询返回404

This is application.yml : 这是application.yml

               name: graphql-todo-app
      port: 9000

               clientMutationIdName: clientMutationId
               injectClientMutationId: true
               allowEmptyClientMutationId: false
               mutationInputArgumentName: input
               outputObjectNamePrefix: Payload
               inputObjectNamePrefix: Input
               schemaMutationObjectName: Mutation
             mapping: /graphql
             enabled: true
             corsEnabled: true

    mapping: /graphiql
    enabled: true

This is what my build.gradle file looks like: 这是我的build.gradle文件的样子:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/" }
        maven { url 'http://repo.spring.io/plugins-release' }
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.jfrog.bintray.gradle:gradle-bintray-plugin:1.6"

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot'

repositories {

//    compile(project(":graphql-spring-boot-starter"))
//    compile(project(":graphiql-spring-boot-starter"))
    compile 'com.graphql-java:graphql-spring-boot-starter:3.6.0'

    // to embed GraphiQL tool
    compile 'com.graphql-java:graphiql-spring-boot-starter:3.6.0'

    compile "com.embedler.moon.graphql:spring-graphql-common:$LIB_SPRING_GRAPHQL_COMMON_VER"



jar.enabled = true
uploadArchives.enabled = false
bintrayUpload.enabled = false

After running gradle build , I run the generated jar file from the terminal. 运行gradle build ,我从终端运行生成的jar文件。 This is what I get on localhost: 这是我在localhost上得到的:


I had the same issue using Spring boot 2.0.0 (M6). 我使用Spring boot 2.0.0(M6)遇到了同样的问题。 Switching back to 1.5.8.RELEASE solved the problem. 切换回1.5.8.RELEASE解决了这个问题。 They're working on the issue, it will be released as soon as there is a non milestone release for Spring boot 2.x 他们正在解决这个问题,一旦Spring boot 2.x出现非里程碑版本,它就会被释放

https://github.com/graphql-java/graphql-spring-boot/issues/40 https://github.com/graphql-java/graphql-spring-boot/issues/40

https://github.com/graphql-java/graphql-spring-boot/pull/36 https://github.com/graphql-java/graphql-spring-boot/pull/36



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