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spring 引导包含 com.graphql-java 和 graphql-java-spring-boot-starter-webmvc

[英]spring boot containing com.graphql-java and graphql-java-spring-boot-starter-webmvc

I have an issue with my springboot application which uses the below maven dependency for graphql:我的 springboot 应用程序存在问题,该应用程序使用 graphql 的以下 maven 依赖项:


I'm getting the below error in the logs:我在日志中收到以下错误:


Field graphQL in graphql.spring.web.servlet.components.DefaultGraphQLInvocation required a bean of type 'graphql.GraphQL' that could not be found.

The injection point has the following annotations:
    - @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)


Consider defining a bean of type 'graphql.GraphQL' in your configuration.

Any help will be very much appreciated.任何帮助将不胜感激。


So finally I found out what the problem was;所以最后我发现了问题所在; 'com.graphql-java-generator' contains a spring-mvc application with it's own autowiring and components. 'com.graphql-java-generator' 包含一个带有自己的自动装配和组件的 spring-mvc 应用程序。 And (to me) it looks like there is a problem in the autowiring in that there is no proper bean defined for 'graphql.GraphQL' object as it is said in the error message.而且(对我来说)看起来自动装配中存在问题,因为没有为“graphql.GraphQL”object 定义正确的 bean,如错误消息中所述。 So the solution was to remove that library from being included in the build:所以解决方案是从构建中删除该库:


hope this helps someone who uses both spring boot and graphql-java together.希望这对同时使用 spring 引导和 graphql-java 的人有所帮助。

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