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[英]Change second select options dependant on the first select options

I have two php loops, one has the CPU select options, it also has the socket var.我有两个 php 循环,一个有 CPU 选择选项,它还有套接字变量。 The second is another php loop for a motherboard select options which also has the socket var.第二个是主板选择选项的另一个 php 循环,它也有套接字变量。 However if you select a cpu with socket LGA1151 and the motherboard has another different socket, I need the 2nd loop (motherboard) to change to only show motherboards with the socket same as the cpu selected.但是,如果您选择带有 LGA1151 插座的 CPU 并且主板有另一个不同的插座,我需要将第二个回路(主板)更改为仅显示插座与所选 CPU 相同的主板。

Here is my code for the 2 loops这是我的 2 个循环的代码

<li class="flip-container" style="z-index: 19;">
    <div class="flipper default">
        <div class="front">
        <div class="back" style="height:auto;width:400px;padding:15px; ">
                function cpuPreview(sel) {
                    document.getElementById('Imgcpu').src = "" + sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].id;
            <div class="custom-select">
                <label for="select-choice1" class="label select-1"><span class="selection-choice">Please choose
                        something</span> </label>
                <select id="cpu" name="cpu" class="select" onChange="cpuPreview(this)">
                    <option data-price="0">Please select 1</option>
                    <?php $psut = $con->query("SELECT * FROM parts WHERE type = 'cpu'");?>
                    <?php while($psu = $psut->fetch_object()): ?>
                    <option id="<?= $psu->image ?>" value="<?= $psu->id ?>" data-price="<?= $psu->price ?>">
                        <?= $psu->name ?></option>
                    <?php endwhile;?>
            <img id='Imgcpu' src="" width="300px" height="auto">

<li class="flip-container" style="z-index: 17;">
    <div class="flipper default">
        <div class="front">
        <div class="back" style="height:auto;width:400px;padding:15px; ">
                function motherboardPreview(sel) {
                    document.getElementById('Imgmotherboard').src = "" + sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].id;
            <div class="custom-select">
                <label for="select-choice1" class="label select-1"><span class="selection-choice">Please choose
                        something</span> </label>
                <select id="motherboard" name="motherboard" class="select" onChange="motherboardPreview(this)">
                    <option data-price="0">Please select 1</option>
                    <?php $psut = $con->query("SELECT * FROM parts WHERE type = 'motherboard'");?>
                    <?php while($psu = $psut->fetch_object()): ?>
                    <option value="<?= $psu->id ?>" id="<?= $psu->image ?>" data-price="<?= $psu->price ?>">
                        <?= $psu->name ?></option>
                    <?php endwhile;?>
            <img id='Imgmotherboard' src="" width="300px" height="auto">

As a rough guide how you might achieve the desired result using ajax perhaps the following might be of use.作为如何使用 ajax 实现所需结果的粗略指南,以下内容可能有用。

    if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST' && !empty( $_POST['cpu'] ) ){

        $dbhost =   'localhost';
        $dbuser =   'xxx'; 
        $dbpwd  =   'xxx'; 
        $dbname =   'xxx';
        $con    =   new mysqli( $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpwd, $dbname );

        $cpu=filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'cpu', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );

        /* SQL is purely guesswork ~ */
        $sql='select `id`,`name` from `parts` where type=? and cpu=?';
        $stmt=$con->prepare( $sql );

        if( $stmt ){

            /* Bind parameters to the placeholders */
            $stmt->bind_param( 'ss', $type, $cpu );
            $result = $con->execute();

            if( $result ){

                /* if the query succeeded, iterate through stored results */
                $stmt->bind_result( $id, $name );

                /* set header */
                header('Content-Type: text/html' );

                while( $stmt->fetch() ){
                    /* echo HTML content back to ajax callback */
                    echo "<option value='$id'>$name";

<!doctype html>
        <title>ajax dependant select menu</title>
            function getmotherboard(e){
                var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();
                /* POST request to the same page or use url */
                xhr.open( 'POST', location.href, true );
                xhr.send( 'cpu='+this.value );

            /* using `fetch` with CORS */
                In an attempt to get around the same-origin problem you 
                need to send a CORS request and the server needs to be setup
                to allow such requests. You can make the request using the
                now traditional ajax ( XMLHttpRequest ) or, in some ways easier,
                the new `fetch` api - though it is not fully supported by allow
                major browsers ( IE & safari notably I believe )
            function fetchmotherboard(){
                var url=location.href;
                var board=document.querySelector('select[name="motherboard"]');

                /* Construct payload to send in request */
                var data=new FormData();
                    data.append( 'cpu', this.value );

                /* configuration for the request */
                var config={

                /* success/fail callbacks */
                var evtCallback=function(r){
                    return r.text().then(function(text){
                var evtError=function(err){
                    console.log( err )

                /* Create the request object */
                var request=new Request( url, config );

                /* Make the request */
                fetch( request ).then( evtCallback ).catch( evtError );

                var cpu=document.querySelector('select[name="cpu"]');
                var board=document.querySelector('select[name="motherboard"]');
                cpu.onchange=getmotherboard.bind( cpu );

                /* alt version using `fetch` */
                cpu.onchange=fetchmotherboard.bind( cpu );

            },false );
        <form method='post'>

            <!-- content populated from db on page load -->
            <select name='cpu'>
                <option value='cpu_1'>cpu_1
                <option value='cpu_2'>cpu_2
                <option value='cpu_3'>cpu_3

            <!-- content populated dynamically -->
            <select name='motherboard'></select>

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