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[英]Change second select options dependant on the first select options

我有两个 php 循环,一个有 CPU 选择选项,它还有套接字变量。 第二个是主板选择选项的另一个 php 循环,它也有套接字变量。 但是,如果您选择带有 LGA1151 插座的 CPU 并且主板有另一个不同的插座,我需要将第二个回路(主板)更改为仅显示插座与所选 CPU 相同的主板。

这是我的 2 个循环的代码

<li class="flip-container" style="z-index: 19;">
    <div class="flipper default">
        <div class="front">
        <div class="back" style="height:auto;width:400px;padding:15px; ">
                function cpuPreview(sel) {
                    document.getElementById('Imgcpu').src = "" + sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].id;
            <div class="custom-select">
                <label for="select-choice1" class="label select-1"><span class="selection-choice">Please choose
                        something</span> </label>
                <select id="cpu" name="cpu" class="select" onChange="cpuPreview(this)">
                    <option data-price="0">Please select 1</option>
                    <?php $psut = $con->query("SELECT * FROM parts WHERE type = 'cpu'");?>
                    <?php while($psu = $psut->fetch_object()): ?>
                    <option id="<?= $psu->image ?>" value="<?= $psu->id ?>" data-price="<?= $psu->price ?>">
                        <?= $psu->name ?></option>
                    <?php endwhile;?>
            <img id='Imgcpu' src="" width="300px" height="auto">

<li class="flip-container" style="z-index: 17;">
    <div class="flipper default">
        <div class="front">
        <div class="back" style="height:auto;width:400px;padding:15px; ">
                function motherboardPreview(sel) {
                    document.getElementById('Imgmotherboard').src = "" + sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].id;
            <div class="custom-select">
                <label for="select-choice1" class="label select-1"><span class="selection-choice">Please choose
                        something</span> </label>
                <select id="motherboard" name="motherboard" class="select" onChange="motherboardPreview(this)">
                    <option data-price="0">Please select 1</option>
                    <?php $psut = $con->query("SELECT * FROM parts WHERE type = 'motherboard'");?>
                    <?php while($psu = $psut->fetch_object()): ?>
                    <option value="<?= $psu->id ?>" id="<?= $psu->image ?>" data-price="<?= $psu->price ?>">
                        <?= $psu->name ?></option>
                    <?php endwhile;?>
            <img id='Imgmotherboard' src="" width="300px" height="auto">

作为如何使用 ajax 实现所需结果的粗略指南,以下内容可能有用。

    if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST' && !empty( $_POST['cpu'] ) ){

        $dbhost =   'localhost';
        $dbuser =   'xxx'; 
        $dbpwd  =   'xxx'; 
        $dbname =   'xxx';
        $con    =   new mysqli( $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpwd, $dbname );

        $cpu=filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'cpu', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );

        /* SQL is purely guesswork ~ */
        $sql='select `id`,`name` from `parts` where type=? and cpu=?';
        $stmt=$con->prepare( $sql );

        if( $stmt ){

            /* Bind parameters to the placeholders */
            $stmt->bind_param( 'ss', $type, $cpu );
            $result = $con->execute();

            if( $result ){

                /* if the query succeeded, iterate through stored results */
                $stmt->bind_result( $id, $name );

                /* set header */
                header('Content-Type: text/html' );

                while( $stmt->fetch() ){
                    /* echo HTML content back to ajax callback */
                    echo "<option value='$id'>$name";

<!doctype html>
        <title>ajax dependant select menu</title>
            function getmotherboard(e){
                var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();
                /* POST request to the same page or use url */
                xhr.open( 'POST', location.href, true );
                xhr.send( 'cpu='+this.value );

            /* using `fetch` with CORS */
                In an attempt to get around the same-origin problem you 
                need to send a CORS request and the server needs to be setup
                to allow such requests. You can make the request using the
                now traditional ajax ( XMLHttpRequest ) or, in some ways easier,
                the new `fetch` api - though it is not fully supported by allow
                major browsers ( IE & safari notably I believe )
            function fetchmotherboard(){
                var url=location.href;
                var board=document.querySelector('select[name="motherboard"]');

                /* Construct payload to send in request */
                var data=new FormData();
                    data.append( 'cpu', this.value );

                /* configuration for the request */
                var config={

                /* success/fail callbacks */
                var evtCallback=function(r){
                    return r.text().then(function(text){
                var evtError=function(err){
                    console.log( err )

                /* Create the request object */
                var request=new Request( url, config );

                /* Make the request */
                fetch( request ).then( evtCallback ).catch( evtError );

                var cpu=document.querySelector('select[name="cpu"]');
                var board=document.querySelector('select[name="motherboard"]');
                cpu.onchange=getmotherboard.bind( cpu );

                /* alt version using `fetch` */
                cpu.onchange=fetchmotherboard.bind( cpu );

            },false );
        <form method='post'>

            <!-- content populated from db on page load -->
            <select name='cpu'>
                <option value='cpu_1'>cpu_1
                <option value='cpu_2'>cpu_2
                <option value='cpu_3'>cpu_3

            <!-- content populated dynamically -->
            <select name='motherboard'></select>


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