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[英]pytest can't find pytest.fixture_request

I am attempting to utilize the alternative approach listed in the PyTest documentation here. 我正在尝试利用此处PyTest文档中列出的替代方法 My parametrize decorator call looks like this 我的parametrize装饰器调用看起来像这样

@pytest.mark.parametrize("val1, params, result", [
    ('a string', pytest.fixture_request('valid_type'), 150)


However, when I run pytest I get the following error: 但是,当我运行pytest时,出现以下错误:

test_get_responses.py:102: in <module>
    ('a string', pytest.fixture_request('valid_type'), 150)
E   AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'fixture_request'

The valid_type fixture does exist. valid_type固定装置确实存在。

I am running pytest version 3.2.0 我正在运行pytest版本3.2.0

How can I solve this problem, so that I can utilize the 'alternative approach' listed in the documentation above? 如何解决此问题,以便可以利用上面文档中列出的“替代方法”?

The described approach is only a proposal that has not been implemented yet (as you can see in this discussion: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/349#issuecomment-286451346 ). 所描述的方法只是尚未实施的建议(如您在本讨论中所看到的: https : //github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/349#issuecomment-286451346 )。 As a workaround, you can use the package pytest-lazy-fixture (can be installed with pip ): instead of pytest.fixture_request('fixture_name') just use pytest.lazy_fixture('fixture_name') . 解决方法是,您可以使用pytest-lazy-fixture包(可以与pip一起安装):代替pytest.fixture_request('fixture_name')只需使用pytest.lazy_fixture('fixture_name')

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