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[英]test flask app using pytest can't find fixture client

I have a simple flask app, i want to test it using pytest.我有一个简单的烧瓶应用程序,我想使用 pytest 对其进行测试。

my conftest.py :我的conftest.py

def app(self):
    app = create_app(TestingConfig)

    return app

my test_view.py :我的test_view.py

class TestMainView:

def test_ping(self, client):
    res = client.get(url_for('main.index'))
    assert res.status_code == 200

when i run the test's using pytest it's throwing an error saying:当我使用pytest运行测试时,它抛出一个错误说:

fixture 'client' not found
>       available fixtures: app, cache, capfd, capfdbinary, caplog, capsys, capsysbinary, doctest_namespace, monkeypatch, pytestconfig, record_xml_property, recwarn, tmpdir, tmpdir_factory
>       use 'pytest --fixtures [testpath]' for help on them.

i have another testing file where i test default configs and it passes:我有另一个测试文件,我在其中测试默认配置并通过:

class TestTestingClass(object):
app = create_app(TestingConfig)

def test_app_is_test(self):
    ''' test the test enviroment is set okay and works'''
    assert self.app.config['SECRET_KEY'] == 'something hard'
    assert self.app.config['DEBUG'] == True
    assert self.app.config['TESTING'] == True
    assert current_app is not None
    assert self.app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] == 'sqlite:////tmp/testing.db'

edit : i was able to pass an empty test by changing to:编辑:我能够通过更改为:

conftest.py : conftest.py :

def app():
    app = create_app(TestingConfig)

    return app

def client(app):
    return app.test_client()

and my test file to:和我的测试文件:

def test_index(client):
   assert True

but, still i can't pass the test_index if it was:但是,如果是这样,我仍然无法通过test_index

def test_index(client):
   assert client.get(url_for('main.index')).status_code == 200

but this time, I'm getting an error stating that says:但这一次,我收到一条错误消息,指出:

RuntimeError: Attempted to generate a URL without the application context being pushed. This has to be executed when application context is available.

i tried so many different things.我尝试了很多不同的东西。 i updated pip for this project's virtualenvironment and updated the pytest and pytest-flask .我更新pip为这个项目的virtualenvironment ,并更新了pytestpytest-flask but none did work.但没有一个工作。

I was able to pass the tests by:我能够通过以下测试:

  • removed the pytest and pytest-flask from virtualenvironment .virtualenvironment pytest-flask删除了pytestpytest-flask
  • removed my system-wide installations of them.删除了我在系统范围内安装的它们。
  • strangely, i had a package named flask-pytest i removed it(in the env )奇怪的是,我有一个名为flask-pytest的包我删除了它(在env
  • installed them again system-wide.在系统范围内再次安装它们。
  • installed them again on virtualenvironment .virtualenvironment再次安装它们。

i don't know how this had anything with the tests, but it worked.我不知道这与测试有什么关系,但它有效。 the only thing different is that i didn't installed the said flask-pytest thing.唯一不同的是我没有安装所说的flask-pytest东西。

You need to delete your incorrect client fixture (see the implementation of pytest-flask for the correct one).您需要删除不正确的client fixture (请参阅pytest-flask的实现以获得正确的)。

Afterwards you need to install pytest-flask and pytest inside of the virtualenv , you better remove the system wide ones to avoid confusion.之后您需要在virtualenv pytest-flask安装pytest-flaskpytest ,您最好删除系统范围内的以避免混淆。

Afterwards you should be able to run your tests.之后,您应该能够运行您的测试。

I just had the same issue.我只是有同样的问题。 The solution was:解决方案是:

pip uninstall pytest-flask

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