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[英]Using pytest, can I get fixture values outside test function?

I am using parametrizing tests, to test 2 different data sets. 我正在使用参数化测试来测试2个不同的数据集。 For example like this. 例如这样。 some_data() functions return test data. some_data()函数返回测试数据。

test_data = [
    (some_data1_v1(), some_data2_v2()),
    (some_data1_v2(), some_data2_v2())

@pytest.mark.parametrize('a,b', test_data)
def test_fn(a,b):

But for some tests, that checks only general behavior, I don't need to test 2 data sets, because both sets have appropriate general data. 但是对于某些仅检查常规行为的测试,我不需要测试2个数据集,因为这两个数据集都有适当的常规数据。 I want to convert some_data1_v1() function to fixture and use it in test, like this 我想将some_data1_v1()函数转换为some_data1_v1()并在测试中使用它,像这样

def test_fn2(some_data1_v1):

If I will do it, then call some_data1_v1() during test_data list construction raise exception Fixtures are not meant to be called directly... 如果我愿意的话,那么在test_data列表构建过程中调用some_data1_v1()引发异常Fixtures are not meant to be called directly...

So instead this 所以这个

def test_fn2(some_data1_v1):

I do like this 我喜欢这样

@pytest.mark.parametrize('some_data1_v1', [some_data1_v1()])
def test_fn2(some_data1_v1):

This allow me to have one source of test data - "fake fixtures" (usual functions that return data), and pass test data in test_data list (first example or last example). 这使我拥有一个测试数据源-“假装”(通常是返回数据的函数),并在test_data列表中传递测试数据(第一个示例或最后一个示例)。 But I think my approach to store data in usual functions is break "fixture abstraction". 但是我认为我将数据存储在常规功能中的方法是打破“夹具抽象”。

Is there a better approach, to do what I do? 是否有更好的方法来做我想做的事?

You can use a parametrized fixture . 您可以使用参数化夹具 request.param refers to the specific entry in the params sequence request.param引用params序列中的特定条目

For example: 例如:

@pytest.fixture(params=(1, 2, 3))
def fix1(request):
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=(4, 5, 6))
def fix2(request):
    return request.param

def test1(fix1, fix2):
    print(fix1, fix2)

def test2(fix1):

And execution: 并执行:

$ pytest t.py


collected 12 items                                                             

t.py::test1[1-4] 1 4
t.py::test1[1-5] 1 5
t.py::test1[1-6] 1 6
t.py::test1[2-4] 2 4
t.py::test1[2-5] 2 5
t.py::test1[2-6] 2 6
t.py::test1[3-4] 3 4
t.py::test1[3-5] 3 5
t.py::test1[3-6] 3 6
t.py::test2[1] 1
t.py::test2[2] 2
t.py::test2[3] 3

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