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[英]Shortcode inside shortcode of CF7DB-extention (Wordpress Contact form 7 to database plugin)

Is there a way to use a shortcode inside the CF7DB shortcodes ( Wordpress plugin )? 有没有办法在CF7DB简码( Wordpress插件 )中使用简码?

Something like this: [cfdb-table form=”Registration 3GC” search=”[user_email]”] where [user_email] is the e-mail address of the logged in user. 诸如此类: [cfdb-table form=”Registration 3GC” search=”[user_email]”]其中, [user_email]是已登录用户的电子邮件地址。 The [user_email] shortcode is being created by an other plugin. [user_email]短代码是由另一个插件创建的。

I want logged in users show their filled in contact 7 form in the front-end part of the site. 我要登录的用户在站点的前端部分显示其填写的contact 7表单。 Maybe there is an other way to do this? 也许还有其他方法可以做到这一点?

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

try this: 尝试这个:

$email = do_shortcode("[user_email]");
echo do_shortcode('[cfdb-table form="Registration 3GC" search="'. $email .'"]');

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